
qíng gǎn bào fā
  • emotional outburst;heat of passion;sudden heat of passion
  1. 促使一种罕有的情感爆发。

    prompting a rare emotional outburst .

  2. 同时,青春期也是一个情感爆发和压力甚大的时期,是一个充满冲突和困惑的时期。

    Meanwhile , puberty was also a sensation outbreak period with high pressure and a period filled with conflict and perplexity .

  3. 结论癔症以情感爆发、类抽搐样发作、意识朦胧、附体体验、身份障碍、症状易受暗示、多变等为临床表现特征。

    Conclusions Hysteria is featured by the clinical behaviors of outburst of emotion , somatic seizure , twilight , possession state , identity disorder , as well as the easiness of symptom behaviours being suggested and varied .

  4. 你在我家里的情感大爆发

    Your outburst at my home was a reaction

  5. 今天可能对某些人有情感的爆发,因为他们不是想要支配你,就是想对你的环境作出令人心烦的改变。

    Emotional outbursts may be unleashed against those whom you feel are trying either to dominate you or to create changes that are upsetting to your environment .

  6. 如果你陷入情感困境,会爆发争端。

    Arguments will flare up if you get backed into an emotional corner .

  7. 据信,梵高生前患有狂躁抑郁症,这种患者时而精力、情感和创造力疯狂爆发,时而陷入抑郁,两者情况交替出现。

    The artist is thought to have suffered from bipolar disorder , where manic episodes of high energy , emotion and creativity give way to periods of depression .