
  1. 审美时尚以社会时尚为背景,以社会文化思潮为情感动力。

    It is set on the background of social fashion and motivated by social culture .

  2. 领导者宽容人才、爱护人才的态度和行动也是促进人才贡献于社会的巨大情感动力。

    Leaders ' respect & care for talents is also the driving power to enable them to contribute to the social development .

  3. 临床抑郁症的特征是脑边缘系统紊乱。脑边缘系统是大脑中与情感和动力有关的区域。

    Clinical depression is characterised by a malfunction in the limbic system , the brain area associated with emotion and motivation .

  4. 运用情感的动力作用更可以激发学习积极性,促进学习者的认知水平,提高学习效率。

    Using the dynamic function of affect can stimulate learning enthusiasm ; improve the students ' cognitive level and learning efficiency .

  5. 其中,认知是前提,情感是动力,内在品质是关键,社会支持是保障。

    Among them , the cognition is the precondition , emotion is power , intrinsic quality is the key and social support is the guarantee .

  6. 如果把情感看作动力,那么,审美情感就会影响、支配审美心理结构的每个组成部分,所以审美情感的培养在美术教学中是十分重要的。

    As if the emotional power , then , aesthetic emotional impact , the dominant aesthetic psychological structure of each component , so rich and full of aesthetic emotion to human development is very important .

  7. 运用情感的动力功能、强化功能和调节功能,可以在美术教学中提高学生的理智感,调动学习的积极性,培育良好的学习态度,发挥学生的创造潜能。

    Using the motive force function , strengthen function and regulating function of the emotion , can improve students ' reason sense in fine arts teaching , arouse the enthusiasm of study , foster the good attitude towards study , give play to students ' creation latent energy .

  8. 情感隐喻的动力图式解释

    Image Schemas of Force Dynamics in Emotion Metaphors

  9. 社会主义荣辱观的提出,将外在的道德规范约束和内在的道德情感和道德动力结合起来,是对道德的自律性质的理论自觉。

    The socialistic concept of honor and disgrace emphasizes that the cohesion of moral norm and inner moral sensibility and drive is the result of cognition of the attribute of autonomic morality .

  10. 同时通过因子分析,得出影响江西省大学生排球课态度的四个主要因素:认知因素、情感因素、动力因素、导向因素。

    But at the same time , through the factor analysis , concluding the influence of jiangxi university students volleyball class four main factors : the attitude of cognitive factors , emotional factors , orientation factor , power factor .

  11. 一个人的情感,意志,动力,兴趣和习惯有时候能决定一个人人生的成功与否。

    One 's feelings , will , motivation , interests and habits sometimes will determine success in one 's life .

  12. 社会心理为社会意识形式提供情感资源和心理动力,而为人类文明提供理性精神成就的社会意识形式是课程知识社会成分的主要方面。

    Social psychology offers emotional resource and psychological drive to the form of social awareness , while the form of social awareness , which offers rational mental achievements to the human civilization , is the key aspect of curriculum knowledge social composition .

  13. 对女性的同情、理解和尊重的情感态度为他集聚了情感动力,大大激发了他的创作冲动;

    In addition , the emotional attitude of sympathy , understanding and respect for females gathered the emotional power for Fu Xuan and greatly stimulated his desire of creation .

  14. 体育教学中建立正确的人际关系,满足学生的情感需要,靠学生内在的情感动力,才能推动体育知识、技术、技能的掌握和智力发展。

    The establishment of proper interpersonal relationship , arousal and meeting students ' need of feeling will help to grasp skills and develop intelligence .

  15. 体育技术情感目标教学是指在体育课堂中激发情感对学习的动力性作用的新的教学观念。

    The teaching method for target of emotion in sports technique is a new teaching theory to arouse the motivation to study in sports class .

  16. 其次,情感是民族精神培育机制的核心要素,而文化性是情感的来源和动力,在民族精神培育过程中的三个阶段都存在文化性缺失问题;

    Secondly , emotion is core element of the national spirit cultivating mechanism , and culture is emotion source and driving force . Three stages in process of the national spirit cultivating all existence culture hiatus problem .

  17. 大量的研究结果表明,情感与认知虽是相对独立的两个系统,但其过程却是密不可分相互作用的,而情感本身就是认知的一个因素,情感对认知有动力作用、选择作用、诱导作用。

    The massive findings indicate that although the feeling and the cognition are two relatively independent systems , its process actually is inseparable and mutually affects , Feeling itself is a cognition factor , the feeling has the dynamic action , the selective action , the induction to the cognition .