
qínɡ ɡǎn cuì ruò
  • Emotional fragility;affective fragility
  1. 这对原本就情感脆弱的作曲家来说是一次打击。

    This was a 31 ) blow for the already emotionally sensitive composer .

  2. 一些研究人员相信这种情况的变化是为了保护情感脆弱的女性不受男性的攻击。

    Some researchers believe this phenomenon evolved to protect emotionally vulnerableg women from male aggression .

  3. 他们真的会认真听你讲话。他们情感脆弱。vulnerable:adj.脆弱的他们平易近人,好相处。agreeable:adj.平易近人的;令人愉快的

    They are agreeable and easy-going .

  4. 现在,他们这样做,但不能远程已经在您预期的方式',这让你感到困惑和情感脆弱。

    Now they do , but not remotely in the manner you 've anticipated , which leaves you perplexed and feeling vulnerable .

  5. “雪花一代”往往在困境前过度敏感,批评者认为,这项举措正是向情感脆弱的他们妥协。

    Critics say the move is the latest example of pandering to the emotionally delicate ' snowflake generation " who are over-sensitive to difficult situations .

  6. 一些研究人员认为这种进化结果乃是为了保护情感脆弱的女性不受男性的攻击。

    The next step is to study the emotional tears of children and men & potentially explaining the lachrymose nature of the new Speaker of the House .

  7. 女研究生作为感知细腻、情感脆弱又对自己期望值很高的一个特殊群体,心理健康受到极大的威胁和考验。

    As a special group with delicate perception emotional vulnerability and high expectations of themselves , the mental health of female graduate students suffered tremendous threat and trial .

  8. 肯特大学的社会学教授弗兰克.弗莱迪说:“研究生被视为是情感脆弱的病人,需要治疗性干预才能正常工作。”

    And sociology professor Frank Furedi , from Kent University , said : ' Postgraduates are being treated as emotionally fragile patients who require therapeutic intervention to function . "

  9. 尽管自恋者情感脆弱,他们身边却总是围满了人——他们有很多朋友,熟人,业务联系人。

    Despite the trouble they have with emotional vulnerability , narcissists tend to surround themselves with people - they 've always got lots of friends , acquaintances , professional contacts .

  10. 学习型学生弱势群体的特征表现有:缺乏求知欲,意志力弱;经历较多失败,上进心受挫;缺少关注和关爱,情感脆弱;多受批评少受赏识,自我评价低。

    The vulnerable group of students in learning-oriented characterized by : lack of intellectual curiosity , weak willpower ; experience more failure , self-motivated frustrated ; the lack of attention and care , emotional vulnerability ; more criticized and less appreciated , low self-evaluation .

  11. 这是一个普通的、看起来很健康的少女在她生命中情感最脆弱的时光收到的回复。

    This is an average , healthy-looking teenage girl receiving this feedback at one of the most emotionally vulnerable times in her life .

  12. 梦露失败的感情经历使她的情感变得更加脆弱。

    Monroe 's failed relationships with men made worse her emotional vulnerability .

  13. 粉碎一块人类头骨大约需施加500磅的力气,但人的情感是更脆弱的事物。

    Ben Willis : It takes approximately 500 pounds to crush a human skull . But the human emotion is a much more delicate thing .

  14. 水瓶们并不是情感最为脆弱的群体,所以,对于水瓶们而言,从过去抽身出来并不是一件极为痛心不堪的事情。

    You 're not the most sentimental of signs so it shouldn 't be too hard for you to get your head around moving on from the past .

  15. 这一阶段的学生具有自觉性与依赖性、主动性与被动性并存的特点,情感和意志相对脆弱,学习自控力不够稳定和持久。

    Students at this stage have both consciousness and dependence , initiative and passive . Emotion and willpower is relatively weak . Self-control in learning is not stable and lasting .

  16. 人其实是因为过度发达的理性和情感而变得极其脆弱的动物,尤其是面对生命威胁的时候,在此,请原谅我始终在回避“死亡”这个字眼。

    Man is becoming extremely fragile for their over developed ration and emotions , especially in times of life threat . Here , please forgive me for avoiding the word death .