
  • 网络attention;attention process;attentional process
  1. Provider还需要注意过程监视器,因为用户需要反馈,并可能选择取消分析过程。

    The provider also needs to pay attention to the progress monitor , because the user needs feedback and may opt to cancel the analysis process .

  2. 该模型进一步确认了人类选择性注意过程既存在着初期的过滤过程,也存在着其后的选择过程。

    The model shows that the process of selective attention includes initial filtering stage as well as selective stage thereafter .

  3. 人格研究中的注意过程:实现动机与认知整合研究的纽带

    Attentive Process in Personality Research : The Integrative Tache between Motivational and Cognitive Approach

  4. 本研究得出如下结论:1、在前瞻记忆任务的前期加工过程中存在注意过程。

    We drew the conclusions : 1 . The attention processs was found in early stage of prospective memory process . 2 .

  5. 提供外显知识既可能有利于任务的完成,也可能激发与任务规则无关的注意过程,阻碍内隐学习。

    Explicit knowledge might not only be propitious to completion of tasks , but also inspire attentive process unrelated to the tasks in hand , disturbing implicit learning .

  6. 脑内诸多区域参与了网络游戏介导的人类视觉注意过程,网络游戏介导的注意任务会明显增加大脑枕叶和小脑的葡萄糖代谢水平,降低额、颞叶区的葡萄糖代谢水平。

    Many brain regions involved in the visual attention process triggered by online games . Attention tasks triggered by online game can significantly increase the glucose metabolism level in the occipital and cerebellum region and decrease in the frontotemporal region in young people .

  7. 对场依存-场独立认知方式的ERP脑电研究已经显示出不同认知方式的个体在工作记忆和注意抑制过程等方面有脑电生理指标的差异。

    And cognitive function . Already there has been ERP researches about field dependent-independent cognitive style which suggest the existence of cerebral electrophysiological differences in working memory and inhibition processes between different cognitive style individuals .

  8. APEO及其代谢物的雌性激素效应非常低,所有这些都不足以危害生态环境,但必须注意生产过程中的副产物的危害性。

    The estrogen effect of APEO and its metabolites was extremely low , not enough to endanger the ecological environment . However , byproducts of APEO production that might be harmful should be addressed .

  9. 注意输出过程的强化训练&重视外在能力的培养。

    The output procedure is reinforced & value the expressive ability .

  10. 非空间注意选择过程真相

    Real Situation of Non - Spatial Attentional Selection Processes

  11. 请注意此过程类似于将新的物理磁盘添加到集。

    Note that this process is similar to adding a new physical disk to the set .

  12. 注意,过程执行的前期脚本和后期脚本可以按一个事务来执行。

    Note that the pre and post scripts together with the procedure execution are executed in one transaction .

  13. 很关键的是要注意,过程可能是分层的,或者以其他方式进行关联。

    It is also critical to note that processes may be hierarchical or related in some other way .

  14. 对文字提示词的加工会引发一个自上而下的注意加工过程,这种注意能够对后面的刺激具有选择性、产生期待。

    The clue word could cause a top-down attention process , and the attention could select the following stimulus .

  15. 注意:过程参数选择页面已被增强,加入了更多内嵌过程配置的过滤选项和动态发现。

    Note : The Process Preferences page has been enhanced with more filtering options and dynamic detection of embedded process configurations .

  16. 方法:在46例穿透性角膜移植过程中,注意手术过程中的各个环节,包括:新鲜或保存良好的供体角膜;

    Methods : We performed PKP in 46 eyes successfully by some ways which include using fresh or well preserved donor cornea .

  17. 分析人士表示,外国集团必须注意扩张过程中的资金需求,因为本土监管部门对财务实力极为关注。

    Analysts say foreign groups need to be mindful of the capital requirements involved in expanding while home regulators are paying close attention to financial strength .

  18. 更严重地是,心理学家已经发现注意的过程可以起作用于心理问题如焦虑、恐慌、失眠、抑郁和强迫症。

    More seriously psychologists have found that attentional processes can play a role in psychological problems like anxiety , panic , insomnia , depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder .

  19. 二十一世纪将是生化工程迅速发展的时代,随着生物发酵工程的发展,人们在结合改进发酵工艺和设备的同时,越来越注意发酵过程的监测和控制。

    It 's predicted that biochemical project will develop rapidly in the 21 century . With the development of the biochemical fermentation , people pay more and more attention on the monitor and the control of the process , while improving the technics and the equipments .

  20. 注意:设计过程之后,定义UI的完整文档集往往称为图书(picturebook)。

    Note : After the design process takes place , the complete set of documents that now define the UI is often referred to as the picture book .

  21. 芝加哥消息&即使对于可疑脑梗死这样的适应症,医生也应该注意到检查过程中多排螺旋CT相关的辐射剂量问题。

    CHICAGO-Even for indications as serious as suspected stroke , doctors should be aware of the radiation doses being delivered with the multiple CT exams typically delivered during the course of care .

  22. 注意:该过程假设当出现故障时,将文件恢复到初始的LotusDomino服务器上。

    NOTE : This procedure assumes that , in case of failure , you plan to restore the files to the originating Lotus Domino server .

  23. 注意:这些过程将清除你手机信息并且在开始之前没有选项备份你的当前ROM。所以大家根据自己的需要慎重。

    Note : This process will wipe your device and there is currently no option to backup your device ROM before you start .

  24. 将它解压缩到服务器上的目录结构中(注意:此过程与安装Eclipse相同,是在服务器上执行的操作)。

    Extract this into a directory structure on your server ( note that this is exactly the same as installing Eclipse , which is what you are doing on the server ) .

  25. (注意这一过程有时也称为越狱(jail-breaking)。

    Note that this process is sometimes called jail-breaking your phone .

  26. 注意,拆卸过程中会损坏控制按钮。

    Note that the control button will be damaged during removal .

  27. 注意:这个过程忽略了用户空间的需求,我将稍后介绍。

    Note : This process ignores user-space needs , which I address later .

  28. 因此,仅行为结果也许不能精确地反映个体注意偏向的过程。

    This may be problematic because the behavior may not accurately reflect attentional shifts .

  29. 我注意到,过程是这种忽略中典型的牺牲品。

    I 've noticed that process is a typical victim of this sort of neglect .

  30. 教师应注意暴露思维过程,加强解题策略的教学。

    Teacher must pay attention to reveal thought process and strengthen skill of solution theme in teaching .