
zhù rù jǐng
  • injection well
注入井[zhù rù jǐng]
  1. 在ISC过程中,燃烧前缘缓慢的从一口注入井向一口或多口生产井方向运动。

    In-Situ Combustion ( ISC ) is basically a burning front that slowly moves from an injection well to one or more production wells .

  2. 气-汽段塞驱是通过气-汽发生器装置,向生产井组的中心注入井注入温度250~300℃的烟道气和水蒸汽混合物的工艺技术,其主要成分为N2、CO2和水蒸汽。

    Gas steam slug drive uses gas steam generator to inject a mixture of flue gas and steam of 250 ~ 300 ℃, with N 2 , CO 2 and steam as major components , into the central injection well of a well block .

  3. 研制了含两种官能团的表面活性剂SY-2,用于三元复合驱替液注入井的增注处理。

    Surfactant SY-2 containing two different functionalities was developed to stimulate injection wells for ASP combinational flooding fluid .

  4. PRB技术是一类就地修复污染土壤及地下水的新型技术,主要由注入井、浸提井和监测井3部分所组成。

    Permeable reactive barrier ( PRB ) is a new technical type for in situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater , and is composed of injection well , extraction well and monitoring well .

  5. ④注入井不发育,形成剩余油富集区;

    Fourth , remaining oil was enriched in non-developed injection wells .

  6. 注入井流量测井仪综述

    Overview of the injection well flow rate log instrument s

  7. 生产井数-注入井数比对于注水开发油田,通常使用放射性同位素测井测量注水井的吸水剖面。

    Ratio of producers to injectors Injectivity profile is commonly determined with radioisotope tracer test in water-flood oilfield .

  8. 利用填管模型研究化学剂的动滞留规律,并结合计算发现,在距注入井约20%的井距内,损失了大约80%的活性剂。

    In 20 % well spacing distance from a injector , the adsorption of surfactant is about 80 % .

  9. 调料丰富的米饭(有坚果、葡萄干、碎羊肉)在肉汤里慢炖或焖。生产井-注入井井数比

    Well-seasoned rice ( with nuts or currants of minced lamb ) simmered or braised in stock . producer-to-injector ratio

  10. 高压分层压裂排液及完井一趟管柱的研究与应用生产井-注入井井数比

    Study and application of one-trip string for high pressure separate-layer fracturing , fluid discharge & well completion producer-to-injector ratio

  11. 对包含一个生产井和一个注入井的封闭区域进行渗流–应力耦合分析,模拟约22000个时步。

    Coupling analysis of fluid flow and stress is conducted for an enclosed area including a production well and an injection well .

  12. 相渗透率改善剂的研究是从上世纪70年代开始,首先采用水溶性聚丙烯酰胺降低油井的产水量和注入井的流度控制。

    The research on RPM can traceback to 1970s , and water-soluble polyacrylamide to reduce the water production and control the fluidity .

  13. 分水降压提高卤井产能减少采卤泵故障生产井-注入井井数比

    Diverting Water and Reducing Pressure to Improve the Production Capacity of Brine Well and Reduce the Troubles of Brine Pump producer-to-injector ratio

  14. 大庆油田三次采油生产需要定量测量注入井和产出井液体的垂直流动。

    It is necessary to quantitatively measure vertical flow velocity of liquid in injection production wells during the production of tertiary oil recovery in Daqing Oilfield .

  15. 如果把注入井与生产井之间的距离分为三段,分别记为I(0一2001。)

    If separate the space from injection well to production well into three phase , and mark 0-200m as I , 200-500m as II , 500-700m III .

  16. 通过对该测试原理的分析和现场测试资料的探讨,正确找到了管外窜槽井段,给注入井措施施工提供了可靠资料。

    Through the analysis of test principle and field test data , proper external casing channel section has been distinguished , providing reliable data for injector measurement operation .

  17. 油田开发进入中、后期时,搞好注入井的测试调剖和加大注入井的管理在开发调整中的作用越来越重要。

    Enhancing the testing profile control and management in the injection well is becoming more and more important in development adjustment when oilfield entered middle and later development period .

  18. 当注水温度在析蜡温度以下,原油中的蜡晶析出,堵塞孔隙介质通道,渗流阻力增大,注入井井底压力下不去,注入速度上不来,导致油藏吸水能力低;

    When the temperature is below wax-melting point , wax will precipitate from the crude oil , which will block the path of pore medium resulting in increase of flow resistance .

  19. 通过对弱凝胶的流变性及其在多孔介质中的渗流特性等研究,将弱凝胶在注入井周围的流动状态划分为三个不同流动区域;

    According to research about rheology and flow characteristic of the weak gel in porous media , its flow phase around the injection well was divided into three different flow regions .

  20. 通过对新投注聚区块注入井的动、静态资料综合分析,确定出深度调剖井选井原则。

    This paper summaries the selective principle of profile control wells according to the analysis on the static data and dynamic data of the injection well of new polymer injection block .

  21. 在理论分析和实际生产数据统计的基础上,确定了聚合物溶液质量浓度与其到注入井距离之间的变化呈现指数关系,且聚合物溶液幂律指数与聚合物溶液的质量浓度之间也呈指数变化关系;

    On the basis of theoretical analysis and the statistics of actual production data , we find out the exponential relationship between the concentration of polymer solution and the distance to injection well .

  22. 分析了井身压力、流速、温度梯度、流动阻力的变化,根据注入井、采油井举升结构及各部分的特点,建立了注入井和采油井举升优化模型;

    Based on the well bore structure of injection well and production well and the characteristics of every part , the well bore optimization model of injection well and production well is established .

  23. 由于受油层非均质性的影响,注入井转后续水驱后,层间、层内矛盾突出,平面上注入水沿高渗透条带突进,低效、无效水循环严重。

    Affected by layer heterogeneity , after follow-up water flooding , interlayer and layer contradiction is serious , injecting water sudden along high permeability layer in the plane , inefficient and invalid water cycle is serious .

  24. 结果表明:注入井的井底压力及地层压力随着聚合物溶液的弹性效应、注入量、稠度系数、幂律指数的增加而增加;

    This study shows that the bottom hole pressure of injection well and formation pressure increase with the increase of injection rate , permeability reduction coefficient , consistency coefficient , power-law exponent of the injected fluids .

  25. 对层内剩余油,注入井深度堵、调和油井深堵、深调措施,提高差油层的动用程度;

    For internal residual oil , the measures on the depth of injection with " block and profile " and oil well with " deep block and profile " are used , increasing producing degree of poor reservoir ;

  26. 通过考虑隔热层不完全绝热时注入井和回收井中工质间的热量传递,来进一步完善理论分析模型,并分析了隔热层对利用废弃油井地热能发电系统性能的影响。

    Considering the heat transfer from the fluid in the injection well to the recovery well , the theoretical model is further perfected . The influence of insulation on the geothermal power generation using abandoned oil well is analyzed .

  27. 注入井在含水稳定阶段、含水回升阶段实施分层注入可提高区块整体开发效果,不同阶段分注均比全过程笼统注入提高采收率1.5%-1.7%。

    The well injection adopts injection in a position to improve exploitation effort of the whole areas during containing water stabilization moment and containing water back moment . Injection separately at different moment increases recovery rate by 1.5 % - 1.7 % .

  28. 分析了成垢机理,并对可能的7种防垢方案进行了对比分析,认为注入井调剖与油井注防垢剂组合方案是涠洲12-1油田中块油井防垢的最佳方案。

    Through analyzing the mechanism of scale formation and ( evaluating ) 7 probable anti-scaling methods , it is deemed that the combined method of profile controlling in injectors plus anti-scaling agent in producers is the best anti-scaling plan for the oil wells in middle block of Weizhou 12-1 oilfield .

  29. 注水井井下温度场(井筒和地层)分布的研究是注入剖面井温测井理论基础,也是油藏描述和油藏数值模拟的一个重要组成部分。

    Study on wellbore and formation temperature in water injection wells is the theoretical base of temperature logs in an injection profile and important in reservoir description and reservoir numerical simulation .

  30. 井下温度场的研究,可以为注入剖面井温测井定量解释提供理论依据,通过对不同注入条件和地质条件的模拟,对注水方案提出合理性建议。

    Simulation on wellbore and formation temperature in water injection wells is the theoretical foundation for quantitative interpretation for temperature logs in an injection profile . A good water injection scheme is proposed by simulating on different injection conditions and formation parameters .