
  • 网络Registration Process;register;SIP Registration Process
  1. 该方案通过对移动IP注册消息的认证,避免了针对注册过程的假冒攻击和重发攻击。

    By using authentication , this solution avoids the counterfeit attack and replay attack directed against the Mobile IP register process .

  2. 同样,要在RooBot上注册该附加组件,请遵循i18n注册过程。

    Likewise , to register the add-on with RooBot , follow the i18n registration procedure .

  3. 这些新措施将加快注册过程。

    The new measures will speed up the registration process .

  4. 在移动IP协议中,保证认证和注册过程的安全是十分重要的。

    In Mobile IP , the security of authentication and registration is very important .

  5. 考虑这样一个web应用程序,它在注册过程中会发送一个注册e-mail。

    Consider a web application that has a registration e-mail sent during the registration process .

  6. Delphi中利用Windows注册表实现软件的审核注册过程

    Using Windows Registry to Implement Software Audit Registration Process in Delphi

  7. 完成激活和注册过程之后,如果不再需要internet连接,请记住将其关闭。

    Remember to close your Internet connection if you no longer need it after completing the activation and registration processes .

  8. 移动IP注册过程中的安全问题研究

    Research on Security in Mobile IP Registration

  9. 此向导将指导您完成注册过程,并使您可限制office文档和电子邮件的权限。

    This wizard will guide you through the sign up process and enable you to restrict permission for office documents and e-mail messages .

  10. 基于移动IPv6注册过程的安全方案研究

    Security Scheme Based on Mobile IPv6 Registration Process

  11. 另外,移动IP也带来了潜在的安全问题,其中注册过程可能遭受拒绝服务攻击和重放攻击。

    Also Mobile IP technique brings potential secure problems , one of which is registration suffering denial of service attacks and replay attacks .

  12. 最后,complete子句要求DB2完成XML模式注册过程,这样模式就可用于验证XML数据。

    Finally , the complete clause instructs DB2 to complete the XML schema registration process so that the schema can be used to validate XML data .

  13. Facebook用户也可以使用FacebookConnect创建Digg帐户,无需通常的注册过程。

    Facebook users can also create a Digg account without the usual registration process using Facebook Connect .

  14. 本文重点研究移动IP注册过程中的安全问题,以保证用户身份的合法性,并且保证用户获得相应的服务。

    This dissertation focuses on the security in Mobile IP registration , in order to ensure the validity of user identity , and what service user requires .

  15. 您可以从DB2ControlCenter启动图形化向导来引领您完成注册过程,调用系统提供的存储过程,或者直接发出DB2命令。

    You can launch graphical wizards from the DB2 Control Center to guide you through the process , invoke system-supplied stored procedures , or issue DB2 commands directly .

  16. 注意,在注册过程中如果用户名已存在,您可以创建一个包含各种提交用户名组合数据(构成提示用户名)的XML结构。

    Notice that now when a user name already exists during registration , you create an XML structure that includes various combinations of user-submitted data that make up suggested user names .

  17. 这个示例JSP具有一个表单,需要在此表单进行必要的输入以便完成用户的系统注册过程。

    This example JSP has a form that expects the necessary inputs to complete the user 's registration formalities to the system .

  18. 在这个注册过程中,Dispatcher将通知CM它托管的服务及其运行状态(启用/禁用)。

    During this registration process the Dispatcher will inform CM about the services it hosts and their running state ( enabled / disabled ) .

  19. 根据当前移动IP注册过程中安全问题的解决方法,提出了基于时间戳的安全注册协议,由公钥密码体制和时间戳相结合来实现实体认证。

    Following are the main result of this thesis : A timestamp-based registration protocol is presented according to current solution to the security in Mobile IP registration . Both public-key mechanism and timestamp are used for entity authentication .

  20. 因为这次我们可以使用servlet中的重定向,并且在注册过程中选择了Browser应用程序类型,所以能够获得更好的用户体验。

    This time , because we can use redirection in our servlet , we have chosen our application Browser style during registration . Therefore a better user experience is achieved .

  21. 保留泛欧证交所的上市身份,KKR能得以避免纽约证交所冗长的注册过程和公司治理规则。

    By remaining on Euronext , KKR will avoid the lengthy registration process and governance requirements of the NYSE .

  22. 本文主要说明EPON中的ONU的自动发现和注册过程,定义了这个过程中使用的MPCP消息。

    This paper describes ONU auto discovery and registration , and defines the MPCP message used in that process .

  23. 然而,您可能注意到了,每个错误响应包含一个id属性,下一节向您展示如何使用这些值来为每个场景编写一个错误响应,以及在注册过程中提示用户名。

    However , you probably noticed that each error response includes an id attribute . The next section shows how to use these values to write an error response for each scenario in addition to suggesting user names during registration .

  24. 随着清洁发展机制(CDM)在中国的广泛深入开展,在申报项目的咨询、审核和注册过程中,也开始出现各种各样有关论证方面的问题。

    As Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) projects boom in China , various problems about justification have popped up during the processes of consultation , review and registration of application projects .

  25. 比如,Meebo把一个完整的注册过程整合在一张注册表单中,并且通过一个弹出框的形式为用户提供注册向导。

    For instance , Meebo combines a sign-up form with a complete registration and offers users a sign-up wizard in a pop-up window .

  26. 通过分析Linux用户注册过程中存在的安全漏洞,阐述了以Kerberos为代表的基于对称密钥的第三方验证的过程及其特点,提出了一种将Kerberos应用于Linux用户注册的安全模型。

    Through analyzing the security holes that exist in the process of Linux user login , the article sets forth the process and character of Kerberos which represents the third authentication of symmetry-based secret key , and puts forward a security model of applying Kerberos to Linux user login .

  27. 在第三章中,分析了GPON系统的注册过程,完成了系统组件的流程设计,并针对不同业务类型的数据源进行了建模,同时描述了动态带宽分配的实现方法。

    In Chapter 3 , the registration process of GPON system is analyzed , flow charts of system modules are completed , data sources of different kind of services are also modeled , implement of dynamic bandwidth allocation method is explained .

  28. 同时文中对EPON系统的注册过程进行了研究,该注册系统是一个随机多址接入系统,各ONU的注册请求帧之间存在冲突现象。

    At the same time , this paper discusses the registration process of EPON system , it is found that the registration system is a random multi access system , and each of the registration request frame of ONU there are conflicts phenomenon .

  29. 当前的选项设置为以注册过程开始。

    Your option is currently set to begin the registration process .

  30. 提供必需的信息并完成注册过程。

    Provide the requested information and complete the sign-up process .