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  • 网络Pressure;INJECTION PRESSURE;inject pressure
  1. LCM工艺中注射压力对纤维预成型体渗透率的影响

    Influence of injection pressure on permeability of fibre preform in LCM

  2. 研究和确定了气囊辅助RTM工艺条件,如注射压力、注射温度、充压大小和保压时间等。

    The process parameters of bladder-assisted RTM , such as the injection pressure , temperature , the bladder pressure , and the pressure-holding time were determined .

  3. 然后,配合PID控制算法实现对注射压力的精确跟踪控制。

    Then , a PID control is combined to realize pressure tracking .

  4. 模塑件的精度主要取决于模具刚度,在注射压力使用下,FRP模具的整体刚度要依靠合理设计的钢结构提供。

    The proper design of steel structure supplies FRP mould stiffness .

  5. 运用正交试验得到优化的工艺参数组合为:熔体温度270℃、气体延迟时间0.8s、气体注射压力4MPa、气体注射时间6s。分析出各工艺参数对电器托盘气指程度和气体穿透长度的影响规律。

    Orthogonal experiments were applied on the study of law about process parameter on gas penetration affected by mold and melt temperature , gas delay time , gas injection pressure and gas injection time .

  6. 充填时间及材料性质对注射压力的影响

    The Effect of Fill Time and Filler Property on Injection Pressure

  7. 注射压力对塑料模具型芯偏移量的影响

    Influence of the injection pressure to plastic mould core offset

  8. 这些参数包括注射压力和模腔/纤维毡的温度。

    The variables studied included injection pressure and mold / fiber mat temperature .

  9. 预测控制在全电动式注塑机注射压力控制中的仿真研究

    Simulation Study on Predictive Control for Injecting Pressure Control of Full Motor-driven Plastic Injector

  10. 提出了确定注射压力应考虑的事项。

    Suggestions for determining injection pressure are made .

  11. 研究得出注射压力及渗透率与工艺充模时间的定量反比关系,以及树脂粘度与充模时间的的定量线性关系。

    The quantitative linear relationship between resin viscosity and filling time is also analyzed .

  12. 基于神经网络技术的注塑成型注射压力和熔体温度预测

    Prediction of Injection Pressure and Melt Temperature of Injection Molding by Radial Basis Function Network

  13. 脉动注射压力影响充模压力及充模时间的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Effect of Pulsatile Injection Pressure on Filling Cavity Pressure and Filling Time

  14. 什么是特殊注射压力?

    What is specific injection pressure ?

  15. 注射压力和保压压力。

    Injection pressure and holding pressure I.

  16. 研究了注射压力和注射温度这两个重要的注射参数对注射坯体质量的影响。

    The influences of injection pressure and injection temperature , two important injection parameters , were studied .

  17. 正常的加工范围内,增加注射压力与提高熔体温度对流动长度的影响具有等效性;可见,工艺参数对粉末注射成形的成型性能的影响规律与注塑成形的影响是一致的。

    Increasing the injection pressure and the feed-stock temperature have the same effect of going up the flow length .

  18. 结果表明,对流换热系数对细胞培养皿成型所需的最大注射压力和填充率的影响较大,准确的对流换热系数是微注射成型充填流动模拟结果准确的重要因素之一。

    The results indicate that heat transfer coefficient has great effects on the maximum injection pressure and fill percentage .

  19. 短玻纤增强聚丙烯注射压力对微观结构和力学性能影响

    Effects of injection pressure on the microstructures and mechanical properties of short glass fiber injection - moulded reinforced polypropylene

  20. 本文重点研究了注射压力、注射速度、模具温度以及熔体温度的影响。

    The injection pressure , injection velocity , the mold temperature and the plastic melt temperature are mainly investigated .

  21. 选择中心浇口可以降低注射压力,但是采用测面浇口的注射坯比采用中心浇口的注射坯件温度和压力分布都要均匀。

    But the green parts have a more even distribution of temperature and pressure by lateral gate than by central gate .

  22. 得到了注射压力对充填时间和型腔压力的影响规律,确定了最佳的充模时间;

    The influence law of injection pressure to filling time and mould pressure was achieved , the optimum injection time was also established .

  23. 然后,进行注塑成型实验,研究了不同熔体温度、注射压力和模具型腔温度与血管支架填充率之间的关系。

    Second , the relationship between fill rates of stent and the different melt temperature , injection pressure and mold temperature was studied .

  24. 具有型芯的模具,在注射压力的作用下,将使型芯产生一定偏移,引起塑件变形。

    In the function of injection pressure , the mould which has core will produce a little core offset and cause plastics deformation .

  25. 当比表面积较大时,熔体温度与注射压力对流动长度的影响较小,且不论比表面积如何变化,注射压力对流动长度的影响比熔体温度对流动长度的影响显著。

    Furthermore , the effect of injection pressure on flow length is stronger than that of melt temperature whatever the value of RPA is .

  26. 熔体温度和注射压力相对于注射量和注射速度只起次要作用,但在超薄塑件的填充过程中,高的熔体温度和注射压力也是必要的;

    Melt temperature and injection pressure are the secondary factors , but high melt temperature and high injection pressure are also necessary in the molding ;

  27. 本文采用径向流动法测试了纤维毡的面内渗透率,着重研究注射压力的影响。

    This paper adopts the radial flow method to study the in-plane permeability of woven fabric and focuses on the effect of the injection pressure .

  28. 热成型零件更换注射压力和结构发泡成型,成交量适中的(250-3000年),并提供了广泛的颜色和纹理。

    Pressure thermoformed parts replace injection and structural foam molded parts in moderate volume ( 250-3000 annually ) and provide a wide range of colors and textures .

  29. 其另一个优点是从料仓到喷嘴的距离极短,这意味着在注塑过程中注射压力的损失极小。

    Another benefit is the very short distance from the pot chamber to the nozzle , this means that very little injection pressure is lost during injection .

  30. 根据物料的性能特点,重点分析了注射压力、注射速度、模具温度等工艺参数对制品的影响,按照列出的工艺条件进行调试。

    On the basis of the features of materials , the effects of injecfion pressure , injection speed and temperatures of mould on the articles were emphatically analysed .