
sān jiǎo fǎ
  • trigonometry
  1. CCD激光微位移测量头是利用三角法原理设计的一种高精度非接触激光微位移传感器。

    CCD micro-displacement measuring system is an ultra high accuracy non-contact laser displacement device on the basis of trigonometry theory .

  2. 最后对PSD在光学三角法测量、自动检测以及高精度测量中的应用作了进一步的讨论与展望。

    The prospects of PSD ′ s application in optical trigonometry , automatic check and high-precision measurement are discussed .

  3. 用CCD光学三角法测轧辊表面磨损量

    CCD for Optical Triangle Method to Measure the Surface of the Roller

  4. 基于CMOS单点激光三角法测距系统设计

    Distance measuring using single-point laser triangulation system design based on CMOS

  5. 以CCD获取测量信号为基础的激光三角法测量技术被广泛运用于物体的非接触式测量。

    The triangular laser measuring technique based on CCD is widely used in non-contacted measuring requirements .

  6. 采用了RBF神经网络的方法和最小二乘法对直射式激光三角法的液位测量系统进行了修正。

    RBF neural network method of direct laser triangulation level measurement verification system has been amended .

  7. 分析了激光三角法在3D曲面测量系统中的非线性误差,及影响测量精度的各方面因素。

    In this paper nonlinear measuring errors due to laser triangle measurement for 3 D surface and various factors affecting measuring accuracy were generally introduced .

  8. PSD激光三角法弱反射微振动测量系统偏振-米散射激光雷达对卷云的探测

    A system measuring micro vibration in weak reflection based on PSD and laser triangulation method

  9. PSD激光三角法测量扬声器薄壳振动模态

    A System Based on PSD and Laser Triangulation Method to Measure Vibration Mode of Loudspeaker Shells

  10. 首先介绍了光学三角法的测量原理,并且对线阵CCD的基本工作原理进行了研究。

    Firstly , the measuring principle of the optical triangulation is introduced and the basic working principle of the linear CCD is researched .

  11. 主要内容如下:1、阐述了PSD的工作原理,并对激光三角法测量厚度原理做了简单概述。

    The main tasks are concluded as follows : 1 . Expounded the working principle of PSD , Summarized the principle of laser triangulation method . 2 .

  12. 在此基础上,本论文详细介绍光三角法的测量原理,并阐述面阵CCD各部分驱动模块的工作原理和电路组成。

    On this basis , the paper gives a detailed description about the principle of optical triangulation method , and expounds the working principle and circuit of each the area array CCD driving module .

  13. 根据三角法测距原理,运用单片机技术对距离进行测量,设计了一套基于CMOS的单点激光三角法测距系统。

    In this paper , according to the principle of distance measuring using triangulation , a suit of distance measuring using single-point laser triangulation system based on CMOS is designed through the technique of MCU .

  14. 最后列出采用VHDL制作CCD工作时序的方法,基于这种方法把它用于光学三角法的激光测微头。

    At last , the method to produce the working signal of CCD in detail with using VHDL is listed . Based on the method , it is used in laser device of optic triangle measuring .

  15. 选用结构简单,测量精度高的光三角法进行测量,同时选用面阵CCD作为系统的接受器件来提高系统的测量精度,实现二维检测。

    And we choose a simple structure , high precision method that is measurement of optical triangulation . We also use the area array CCD as the receiving device to improve the system accuracy , which can achieve two-dimensional detection .

  16. 其次,针对轧辊工作环境和工艺要求,对非接触在线检测的数学模型进行了实验研究,包括三点定圆法、光学三角法和CCD遮光测距法。

    Second , on account of working environment and technical request of roller , laboratory experiment is done about the mathematical model of noncontact detecting means , including ascertaining a circle with three points , means of optic triangle and means of detecting distance by CCD .

  17. 系统采用激光三角法的原理,利用红光线激光器和CCD传感器组成测量系统,并提出了一种快速的基于边缘提取的激光线提取算法;

    The laser triangulation method was adopted , and infrared lasers and CCD sensors were selected in system . Principle of the method and the structure of the measure system were stated . A fast method of the abstraction of laser line based on edge detection was described .

  18. 比较网格法与三角法设计叶片的效果,通过人为调控的方法限定三角法中叶片包角的大小,设计出高效叶轮,并用fluent软件模拟设计效果,提出改进意见及措施。

    Compare the blade-design effect between the mesh method and triangle method , restrict the blade fold-angle in triangle method design through factitiousness adjust , and then design the high-efficiency blade . Imitate the design result by the software of fluent , and put forward to improve opinion and measures .

  19. 激光三角法是现代工业检测技术中非常重要的非接触式测量方法,本文结合国内市场需求,研制了一款基于激光三角法原理的激光位移传感器,工作范围为50±10mm。

    Laser triangulation plays a very important role in the field of modern industry testing as a non-contacted measurement . A laser displacement sensor which based on the laser triangulation principle is developed in this project , with work range of 50 ± 10mm .

  20. 利用分层三角法函数和修正的PEAQ方法,建立了一般形式的正交加筋板结构声辐射及其声响度解析模型。

    Based on the hierarchical trigonometric functions and the corrected PEAQ method , the sound loudness radiated from different stiffened plates and the effects of the stiffeners ' form are studied , respectively .

  21. 激光三角法测距传感器的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Laser Distance Transducer by Using Trigonometry

  22. 提高激光三角法测量精度的新方法

    A novel method for improving measuring accuracy in laser triangle method

  23. 一种快速求红移和证认谱线的新方法&伪三角法

    A Pseudo - triangle Technique for Redshift Identification of Celestial Spectra

  24. 我们必须把三角法这个观念加以引伸。

    We must invent an extension of the idea of triangulation .

  25. 基于激光三角法的零件表面粗糙度在线测量

    Real Time Measurement of Part Surface Roughness Based on Laser Trigonometry

  26. 激光三角法扫描测头特性的研究

    Study on the Characteristics of the Laser Triangulation Scanning Probe

  27. 三角法测量双层土壤接地电阻的误差分析

    The Triangular Method of Grounding Resistance Measurement in Two-layer Soil

  28. 透射型激光三角法测量蜻蜓翅膀形状

    An Improved Triangulation Method for Measuring the Shape of a Dragonfly Wing

  29. 三角法激光测量系统的误差分析及消除方法

    Analysis for Error in Triangular Laser Measurement System and an Elimination Method

  30. 基于矢量三角法的指纹特征匹配算法的研究

    A Fingerprint Minutia Matching Approach Based on Vector Triangle Method