
  • 网络PCTs;p-terphenyl;o-terphenyl
  1. 用PMDA选择络合法制备纯p-三联苯

    Selective complexing method of synthesis of pure p-terphenyl with PMDA

  2. 同轴氙灯泵浦下对三联苯的激光振荡

    Laser Emission of P-terphenyl under Coaxial Flashlamp Pumping

  3. 在40~50℃,4乙酰基对三联苯经次溴酸钠氧化反应2h,得到4羧基对三联苯,收率为78%,熔点315~316℃。

    ⅰ was oxidized by sodium hypobromite at 40-50 ℃ for 2 h to from 4 carboxy p terphenyl ( mp . 315-316 ℃) in 78 % yield .

  4. 同步扫描-固体基质室温磷光法同时测定痕量对位三联苯和间位三联苯的研究

    Study on Simultaneous Determination of trace p-terphenyl and m-terphenyl by synchronous solid-substrate room-temperature Phosphorimetry

  5. 观察了三联苯的热稳定性能,对不同长度烷氧基链三联苯的发光效率进行了比较。

    The thermal stability and luminous efficiency of triphenyl derivatives with different alkoxy were investigated .

  6. 多苯基三联苯有机硅化合物的合成及其对聚合物耐热性影响的研究

    Synthesis of polyphenyl - triphenylene organo - silicone compounds and studies on the heat stability of their polymers

  7. 目前在拥有自己的独立工厂,主要生产对三联苯,并与国内多所知名大学合作进行新产品的开发。

    We have a manufactory currently , which specializes in producing para-terphenyl , and we also cooperates with many college technology experts to manage new projects , such .

  8. 快速溶剂萃取-气相色谱法测定鱼肉中三氯联苯和五氯联苯

    Determination of fish flesh trichloro biphenyl and pentachloro biphenyl in fast solvent extraction-gas phase chromatography

  9. 对三种联苯撑乙烯类聚合物的合成过程进行了优化,聚合物的分子结构、热性质、粒子形貌及介电性质等均得到了测试表征。

    The molecular structure , thermal properties , morphology and dielectric properties of these resulting polymeric particles were characterized .

  10. 目的:用铝粉做吸附剂,观察其对脂肪干扰三氯联苯和五氯联苯的消除效果以及其对测定值的影响。

    Objective : To make the absorbent with the aluminite powder , observes it as well as it to determines value to the fat disturbance trichloro biphenyl and the pentachloro biphenyl elimination effect the influence .

  11. 结论:整个方法具有简便、快速、准确的特点,尤其是简化了萃取过程,消除了脂肪对三氯联苯和五氯联苯的干扰,防止了污染,减少了损耗。

    Conclusion : The entire method easily has fast , the accurate characteristic , simplified the extract process to eliminate the fat in particular to the trichloro biphenyl and the pentachloro biphenyl disturbance , and had prevented the pollution , reduced the loss .

  12. 利用气相色谱对试样做进一步检测确定光解产物为含氯量较少的多氯联苯:2,4,4'-三氯联苯及Cl-,并且在降解初期,2,2',4,4'-四氯联苯与其产物之间存在很好的质量平衡关系。

    Less chlorinated PCB ( 2,4,4 ' - trichlorobiphenyl ) as well as chloride , were identified as the photoproducts of the tested PCB using a GC-ECD . At the start of photolysis , excellent mass balance existed between 2,2 ' , 4,4'CB and its products .