
yún tái sù
  • brassin
  1. 培养基、培养方式、激素、椰子水、芸苔素等对培养效果有不同程度的影响。

    There have been different influence to culture result by used media , culture methods , plant growth regulators , coconut water and brassin .

  2. 芸苔素叶面微肥对苹果生长及品质的影响

    Effects of foliage fertilizers including brassin on apple growth and fruit quality

  3. 花针期喷施适宜浓度的芸苔素内酯(BR),能显著提高花生植株内的硝酸还原酶活性及叶片蛋白质和可溶性糖的含量,使主根的根活力增强。

    The treatments with suitable concentration of brassinolide sprayed on leaves of peanut at blossom could promote obviously the activity of nitrate reeducates and the content of protein and dissolvable sugar in leaves , and increase the activity of roots .

  4. 芸苔素内酯和复硝钠对夏播棉产量和品质的调节作用比较

    Comparison of Yield and Quality Regulating between Brassinolide and Sodium-para-nitrophenolate on Cotton

  5. 芸苔素内酯对平菇菌丝生长的影响

    Effects of brassinolide on the mycelial growth of Pleurotus ostreatus

  6. 芸苔素对花生幼苗生长及抗寒能力的影响

    Effects of Brassinolide on the Growth and Chilling-Resistance Ability of Peanut Seedlings

  7. 0.003%芸苔素内酯水剂在葡萄上的应用

    Field Trial of 0.003 % Brassinolide AS on Grape

  8. 天然芸苔素在花生上的应用效果

    Application Effect of Natural Brassica Agent on Peanut

  9. 芸苔素内酯在玉米上的应用

    An Application of Rape Interior Grease in Maize

  10. 天然芸苔素对杂交水稻幼苗生长和光合作用的影响

    The Effect of Natural Brassinolide on the Growth and Photosynthesis in the Seedlings of Hybrid Rice

  11. 镁及镁与芸苔素内酯配合对香蕉幼苗生长的影响

    Effect of applying magnesium fertilizer and magnesium fertilizer brassinolide compound on the growth of young banana plants

  12. 结果发现,天然芸苔素内脂可以明显提高大扁杏的叶绿素含量,提高光合作用强度,增强大扁杏的抗旱性。

    The result found that NBR could improve the content of chlorophyll and the rate of photosynthesis of apricot , increase drought resistance .

  13. 旺长期施用芸苔素使野火病的病情指数和氯含量有所降低,上等烟比例、均价、产量和产值均有所提高。

    The brassinolide used in fast growth period could decrease the wild fire disease index and content of chlorine in tobacco leaves , and im .

  14. 通过叶面肥单施、混施试验,结果表明,地福来与皇嘉天然芸苔素混用、地福来与爱丰腐殖酸有机肥混用,壮秧效果较好。

    The results showed the mixture of Difulai and Huangjia nature Brassinolide , the mixture of Difulai and Aifeng organic fertilizer whose effect of strengthen seedling were significant .

  15. 芸苔素内酯和复硝钠在适宜的剂量和浓度下可以促进棉花吐絮,增加霜前花产量,并改善棉花纤维品质,但不能增加棉铃总数和棉花总产量。

    They could increase the yield of pre-frost cotton , improve the fiber quality of lint cotton in appropriate dosage and concentration , but could not increase total cotton yield and bolls .

  16. 1∶4000、1∶6000、1∶8000天然芸苔素浸种也能提高其发芽力,有促进芹菜种子发芽的作用。

    The germination ability of celery seeds can also be increased by soaking with 1 ∶ 4 000 、 1 ∶ 6 000 、 1 ∶ 8 000 Nature Brassinolide ( NBR ), it can promote germination of celery seeds .