
sān tōng fá
  • three-way valve;triple valve;three-port valve;tee valve
三通阀[sān tōng fá]
  1. 三通阀最早是用于代替两台单座阀投入系统使用。

    Three-way valve is used to replace two single-Block , the first valve input system .

  2. 三通阀有3个出入口与管道相连,相当于两台单座阀合成一体。

    Three-way valve has three entrances and pipes , equivalent to two single-Block valves synthetic one .

  3. 通过CO、CO2、O2对数据的监控,实现对现场煤气回收所使用的三通阀、水封逆止阀、旁通阀等设备的控制。

    The control of bypass valve 、 three-way valve 、 block valve for gas recycle is realized by monitoring the data of CO 、 CO_2 、 O_2 .

  4. 分析了在役三通阀密封失效的原因,采用X树脂材料制作球阀垫片、在阀体与阀盖间车制梯形沟槽并放置氟橡胶O形密封圈等措施对其进行改造。

    Influential factors leading to losing efficacy of the three way valve are analyzed , and some remaking measures are employed , including ball valve shim made from X resin , fluorubber O shaped seal circle in the slit between the valve body and the valve cover .

  5. 转化炉油枪三通阀的密封改造

    Seal Reformation of Oil Gun Three-Way Valve in Transformation Furnace

  6. 高加旁路三通阀气动控制回路的改进

    Improvement of Pneumatic Control Loop for HP Bypass T-way Valves

  7. 对成年的男性的友好的非正式称呼。三通阀控单作用非对称气缸特性分析

    Analysis Characteristic of 3 Port Valve-controlled , Single Acting and Asymmetric Cylinder

  8. 主被动阀结合的双腔串联压电泵研究三通阀与辅助风缸联接短管

    Research on Dual-Chamber Tandem Piezoelectric Pump of Combination of Active and Passive Valves

  9. 正反向增益不等三通阀控油缸系统的特性分析

    On the performance characteristic of a three-way valve controlled cylinder with unequal gains in opposite directions

  10. 第四部分是三通阀漏泄自动检测方法与原理。

    The fourth section is about the auto test way and principle of the three thoroughfare valve leakage .

  11. 三通阀-差动缸数控液压伺服系统的工作原理与静、动态特性研究

    Working principle and static , dynamic characteristics of NC hydraulic servo control system with three way valve and differential cylinder

  12. 该系统由一台电渗泵和两个电磁三通阀组成,均由计算机控制,实现了准确、重现和自动的分析要求。

    The proposed system consists of an electroosmotic pump and two solenoid valves , all of which are controlled by a PC computer automatically .

  13. 对船用舵机泵控系统中位置控制单元的三通阀控制非对称缸和四通阀控制对称缸的两种设计方案进行了理论分析和系统结构分析。

    Two design strategies that three-way valve control unsymmetrical cylinder and four way valve control symmetrical cylinder were analyzed from principle and system structure aspects .

  14. 外置式喷嘴机构包括三通阀,分别连接三通管的一端、饮料管和喷嘴。

    The external nozzle mechanism comprises a three-way valve for connecting the tail end of the steam outlet pipeline , a beverage straw and a nozzle respectively .

  15. 安装煤气自动分析仪和三通阀安全控制开关,变被动为主动回收,使转炉煤气回收时间提高到平均10~13min/炉,并且安全可靠;

    Installation of automatic analyser and safety control switch of three way valve , for active recovery and increasing average time of recovery to 10 - 13 minutes ;

  16. 研究结果表明,变量控制机构的位移-力反馈组件复位弹簧是影响变量机构稳态比例特性的重要因素,基于三通阀控制差动缸的变量机构在动态特性方面存在明显的非对称性。

    The research results show that offsetting spring in displacement-force feedback system is an important factor , which affects the steady state control characteristic of the pump variable displacement mechanism .

  17. 本实用新型涉及一种净水器接水三通阀,包括阀体、水管接头、水路转换机构。

    The utility model relates to an improved three-way valve of a water purifier , which comprises a valve body , a water pipe joint and a water path switching mechanism .

  18. 根据结构特点有挡板阀、插板阀、蝶阀、球阀、隔膜阀、角阀、直通阀、三通阀。

    According to structural characteristics of a flapper valve , flapper valves , butterfly valves , ball valves , diaphragm valves , angle valves , through the valve , three-way valve .

  19. 结合调节阀的原理及特性,分析了三通阀在空调水系统应用中的问题,提出了采用二通阀的解决方法。

    Integrating the principle with characteristic of regulating valve , several problems of three-way valve used in air conditioning water system are analyzed . The resolution method using two-way valve is put forward .

  20. 第二、需要通过消毒的措施来打开包装,确保它所有的接口都是安全的密封的还有三通阀这些辅件的工作状态都是良好的;

    Second , the need to open the sterile package of measures to ensure the safety of all its interfaces are also three-way valve seal of the working status of these accessories are good ;

  21. 对热水采暖系统采用三通阀调节散热器循环水量,对电采暖系统采用启停控制模式来调节,并分别进行动态仿真和比较。

    Dynamic simulations were made and compared for the hot water heating system by using the 3-way control valve to regulate the water flow rate into the baseboard heater , and for the electrical heating system by employing on-off control strategy .

  22. 通过三通阀可以控制排水条件,既可以进行单面排水试验,并在底部量测孔隙水压力的消散规律,也可以进行双面排水试验;

    By controlling the drainage condition through the triple valve , not only the single drainage test can be done and the pore water pressure on the bottom can be measured , but also the double drainage test can be conducted .

  23. 三通阀弹簧智能检测仪是为铁路车辆检修部门开发研制的一种新型弹簧智能检测装置,它克服了以往弹簧检测装置的检测程序繁琐,人工参与太多、自动化程度低的缺点。

    Intelligent Three-Connect-Brake-Spring Examiner is a new survey instrument especially designed for the railway vehicles examine and repair department , it overcomes the disadvantages such as complex program in spring examine , too many manpower involved and lower automatic degree , and so on .