
  • 网络electro-pneumatic brake
  1. DK-1型机车电空制动机的制动控制的改进

    Improvement on braking control of DK-1 electro-pneumatic brake

  2. 5线制电空制动机性能缺陷的探讨

    Discussion on Function Defection of Five-wire Electro-pneumatic Brake System

  3. 对F8电空制动机制动性能初探

    Discussing the Brake Performance of Electro - pneumatic Brake Type F_8

  4. DK-1型电空制动机的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation for DK-1 Electric-Air Brake

  5. 介绍了基于CVI的电力机车电空制动机的微机测控系统,详细叙述了该控制系统的硬件和软件的结构及其设计和调试方法。

    It is introduced the microcomputer control system based on CVI of electro pneumatic brake for electric locomotive . Hardware & software structure , as well as design and commissioning method of the control system is expounded .

  6. 通过对F8电空制动机在两次试验中数据的分析、比较,从结构和原理上对该制动机两个方面的性能进行初步的探讨。

    By analyzing and contrasting to the data of two tests for Electro - pneumatic Brake Type F8 , two ways of performance is discussed from principle and structure .

  7. HRDA型电空制动机控制技术在国产地铁客车上的应用

    Application of HRDA Type E - P Brake Control Technology on Domestic Subway Car

  8. 描述对DK-1型电空制动机进行的建模与仿真,利用VC++实现该型制动机仿真演示的整个过程。

    It was specified the whole process of implementing the modeling and simulation for DK-1 electropneumatic brake , accomplished the simulation system of this brake by using VC + + .

  9. 本文论述了对DK-1型电空制动机进行建模与仿真,并在此基础上利用面向对象技术设计该制动机教学软件的整个过程。

    This thesis specifies the whole process of realizing the modeling and simulation of DK-1 electric-air brake and accomplishing the CAI system of this brake by using the object-oriented technology .

  10. 可用于代替104D客车电空制动机的紧急阀,可大大提高紧急制动波速。

    It can replace the emergency valve of 104D Electric-pneumatic brake system , and increase the speed of emergency brake .

  11. 首先,本文分析了DK-1型电空制动机的基本原理,然后根据制动机的基本原理以及制动机的一些必要的实验数据建立了反映制动机动作过程的数学模型。

    First , the basic principle of DK-1 electric-air brake is analysed in this thesis , then by virtue of the basic principle and some necessary experimental data the mathematical model reflecting the moving process of the brake is set up .

  12. 新型直通式电空制动机及其关键技术研究

    Research on the New-Type Direct Electro-Pneumatic Brake System and Its Key Technology

  13. 新型机车电空制动机试验研究

    Test and research on new generation electropneumatic brake for locomotive

  14. 逻辑控制式有线电空制动机方案设计

    Scheme Design of Cable Electropneumatic Brake with Logical Control

  15. 增加104型电空制动机电控紧急制动功能的初步设想

    Initial Idea for Increase of the Electronic Controlled Emergency Braking Function of the 104 Electro-pneumatic Brake

  16. 本文提出了一种基于LabWindows/CVI的机车电空制动机自动检测系统的方案。

    The paper put forward an automatic detection system about DK-1 electro-pneumatic brake based on LabWindows / CVI .

  17. 讨论了国外有关油压制动技术的应用及国内电空制动机的发展;

    The paper discusses foreign techniques applied to brake , and development of our electric-pneumatic brake equipment as well .

  18. 提出了现有自动空气电空制动机不能满足列车对冲动限制的要求。

    It is proposed that the existing automatic air electro-pneumatic brake cannot meet the requirement in terms of impulsion limit .

  19. 通过大量的数据对比与分析,说明了电空制动机的技术性能及其优点。

    With comparison and analysis of a great amount of data , this thesis describes the technical properties and the advantages of the electropneumatic braking .

  20. 采用该测控系统测试机车电空制动机,不但提高了测试系统的自动化控制程度,而且提高了测试系统的精度和可靠性。

    With this test system , not only automatic control degree but also accuracy and reliability in the test of electro pneumatic brake are improved .

  21. 因此在现有机车电空制动机技术的基础上,研制新一代具有微机模拟控制和网络通讯功能的制动机,满足客运列车以及重载货物列车运用条件是非常有意义的。

    So based on the current locomotive electric-pneumatic brake system , the research of new generation brake system which equipped with micro computer control and network communication is very necessary and important .

  22. 现有的韶山型电力机车空气制动系统大都采用DK&1型电空制动机作为控制部件,其核心是采用继电器有触点逻辑控制。

    Existing electric locomotive air brakes of Shao Shan types are mostly used DK-1 model electric-air braking machine as control component , its core is to adopt the relay and touch logic control .

  23. 重点阐述了基于LabWindows/CVI的电力机车电空制动机的自动测控系统的总体功能和构成、自动测试原理,叙述了该测控系统的硬件和软件的结构、设计。

    It mainly introduced the total functions , structure , principles of automation of the automatic detection system about electro-pneumatic brake based on LabWindows / CVI , and presented the architecture and design of the hardware and software of the system .

  24. 电空转换单元是新型微机直通式电空制动机的重要组成部分,也是空电联合制动的基础。

    An electric-pneumatic ( EP ) unit is the important part of a new type of computer direct EP brake , and also is the base of EP blend braking .