
  1. 网络中心战中的信息战和电子战技术

    Information and Electronic Warfare Technology in Network Centric Warfare

  2. 未来电子战技术

    Future Electronic Warfare Technology

  3. 电子战技术包含了电子侦察、电子干扰、电子战摧毁和隐身等几大类。

    The technique of electronic warfare contains electronic reconnaissance , electronic jamming , electronic warfare destroying and stealth etc.

  4. 近年来,随着精确电子战技术的发展,精确通信干扰技术研究成为热点。

    In recent years , with the development of electronic warfare technology , the research of accurate communication interference technology has become a hot .

  5. 随着电子战技术的发展,对电子支援系统的生存能力和目标定位能力的要求越来越高。

    With the development of the technology for electronic war , there are growing demands of the target location ability and the viability in the electronic surporting system .

  6. 随着现代电子战技术的发展,雷达信号环境变得日益复杂,对测频接收机的要求也在不断提高。

    With the development of electronic warfare , the radar signal environments are getting more complexity , and the simulation on radar environments is necessary to be developed .

  7. 在实际科学研究和军事指挥中,针对不同雷达和导弹类型的电子战技术查询系统将发挥重要的作用。

    A system that facilitates the query of information about different types of radar electronic warfare technology will play an important role in actual scientific research and military command .

  8. 为了适应现代化作战的特点,用于军事目的的单一电子战技术正逐步向综合对抗方向发展,而这种综合对抗的电子战要求军事作战系统必须进一步提高抗干扰能力。

    In order to meet the characteristics of modern warfare , the single electronic warfare technology for the military purposes is gradually developing to the integrated combat , which demands the combat system to further enhance the anti-jamming capability .

  9. 随着电子战技术的发展,为满足现代战场条件下雷达信号侦察的要求,宽带数字侦察接收技术的研究日益受到重视。

    With the development of Electronic War ( EW ) technology , more and more attention is concentrated on the research and development of wideband digital receiving technology ( WDRT ), which is very important for the detecting and intercepting of Radar signals in the battle field .

  10. 随着电子战、信息战技术的发展,对我军的舰载雷达、天线系统提出了更高层次的要求。

    Along with the development of electronic war and information war technology , the requirement of higher level for antenna system and the ship-based radar of my army have put forward .

  11. 本文主要针对21世纪海空电子战和陆空电子战面临的挑战和威胁,对21世纪电子战技术的发展趋势加以论述。

    The prospect of electronic warfare is discussed in this paper . A consideration of the challenges and threatens in sea-to-air and ground-to-air electronic warfare in the21 century is given .

  12. 本文以8511研究所的电子战数据库研究项目为背景,对电子战应用方面的研究进行了大量的查阅和总结,并在此基础之上研究设计了雷达电子战技术数据库应用系统。

    Based on the Electronic Warfare Database Research Project of 8511 Institute as background , a large number of searches and summarization for the electronic warfare application are done in this article and radar electronic warfare technology database and application system is designed .