
  1. 南方少数民族题材电影中文化人类学元素研究

    Study on the Cultural Anthropology Element in the Film of South Minority

  2. 上篇人类学研究与纪录电影的发展主要是对纪录片(这里主要指纪录电影)与人类学电影之间的联系做出阐释。

    Article I " anthropology research and record development of film " documentary film correctly mainly ( mean the film of noting down mainly here ) the connection with the anthropology films is explained .

  3. 这一电影形态在东西方之间的反馈、振荡式的发展、成熟给电影心理学、电影形式美学、电影社会学以及电影人类学提出了新的、颇为复杂的课题。

    The social receptions of the type of films between East and West , their shocking development and enrichment have raised serious new and complex questions today to psychology , aesthetics , sociology and anthropology in terms of films .