
  • 网络History of Southeast Asia
  1. 东南亚历史编纂学上的一部里程碑式的巨著&《剑桥东南亚史》述评

    A Great Milestone-style Work : Book Review on the Cambridge History of Southeast Asia

  2. 作者认为《剑桥东南亚史》是东南亚历史编篡学上的一部里程碑式的著作,特别是中文版的出版发行,对推进中国东南亚历史的研究有着重要的作用。

    The author believes that the Cambridge History of Southeast Asia is a great milestone-style work in writing of Southeast Asian History and publication of its Chinese edition will play an important role in promoting research of Southeast Asian History in China .

  3. 柏威夏寺是东南亚历史悠久而最杰出的寺庙之一。

    Preah Vihear temple has a long history in Southeast Asia .

  4. 华侨华人学科建设的反思:东南亚历史研究的视角与经验

    Rethinking ethnic Chinese studies : A Southeast Asian historian 's perspective and experience

  5. 中国人移民东南亚历史,根据其动力和规模,可分为四次大潮。

    The history of Chinese migration into Southeast Asia can be divided into four waves .

  6. 东南亚历史上的客家人

    The Hakkas in Southeast Asian History

  7. 一个是中国历史范畴的郑和,一个是存在于东南亚历史记忆中的文化范畴的郑和。

    One is a Zheng He in the category of Chinese history , and the other is in the cultural category existing in the historical memories of Southeast Asia .

  8. 这五个阶段前后相承,每个阶段又都有一些质的变化,反映了东南亚历史和文化的演变以及多样化的特点。

    These five stages are closely related to each other , with qualitative changes in each stage , reflecting the evolutional process and diversity of Southeast Asia 's cultural development .

  9. 探讨东南亚历史和文化的发展阶段,有助于我们从总体上把握东南亚历史和文化发展脉络及其各个阶段的以及总体上的特点。

    The research on the cultural and historical stages of Southeast Asia helps with a better understanding of the region as well as its characteristics in each stage or as a whole .

  10. 印度尼西亚具有的多元化人口,在东南亚历史上的领导作用和辽阔的幅员,使它被很多人视为是整个地区状况的晴雨表。

    With its pluralistic population , its historical leadership role in Southeast Asia , and its vast geography , Indonesia is considered by many to be an indicator of the health of the entire region .

  11. 海南人移民东南亚的历史过程

    The Historical Process of Hainan Natives ' Immigration to Southeast Asia

  12. 东南亚国家历史文化遗产保护的历程与转变

    Course and Conversion of the Conservation of Historic Cultural Heritage in Southeast Asian Nations

  13. 在某种程度上,亚洲开发银行是日本重返东南亚的历史过程中一次较为成功的政治实验。

    It concludes , to a certain degree , ADB is a relatively successful political experience in the process of Japan 's returning to Southeast Asia .

  14. 东京湾东南亚一历史地区,位于东京湾沿岸,为南中国海的一支。该地现在组成了越南北部的大部分地区。

    A historical region of southeast Asia on the Gulf of Tonkin , an arm of the South China Sea , now forming most of northern Vietnam .

  15. 从历史源头看中西法律文化差异产生的原因东南亚国家历史文化遗产保护的历程与转变

    A Historical Scrutiny of the Factors that Cause Difference between Chinese and Western Legal Systems ; Course and Conversion of the Conservation of Historic Cultural Heritage in Southeast Asian Nations

  16. 云南由于特殊的地理位置与东南亚各国历史上形成的友好交往传统,在推动高等教育国际合作方面具有得天独厚的地缘和文化传统优势。

    The special geographical location of Yunnan and Southeast Asia formed the historical tradition of friendly exchange . Promoting international cooperation in higher education of Yunnan has a unique geographical and cultural traditions advantage .

  17. 文章还以河内、槟城、新加坡和马尼拉等4个城市为例,分析东南亚地区对历史保护产生影响的环境条件,并进一步讨论了在这一地区遗产保护中有关真实性的问题。

    The paper analyses the composition of heritage authenticity , examines the different degrees and aspects of authenticity with the cases of four cities in Southeast Asia .

  18. 本文从独具闽南特色的地方音乐出发,阐述了闽南音乐如高甲戏、芗剧(歌仔戏)、南曲、布袋戏等众多音乐种类频繁赴东南亚演出的历史。

    Taking local music with South Fujian characteristics as starting point , the paper expounds the history of various genres of South Fujian music frequently performing in Southeast Asia .

  19. 东南亚在亚运会历史发展中的地位与战略

    Position and strategy of Southeast Asia in history of Asian Games

  20. 华人移居东南亚已有很长历史。

    There is long history for Chinese migrating to Southeast Asia .

  21. 说明了中国彝族与东南亚各国彝族的历史渊源。

    It explains the genetic relationships between Yi peoples in China and in Southeast Asia .

  22. 本文从民族文化的历史进程与民族间互动的社会环境入手,探讨了东南亚民族问题的历史由来;

    At first , the author approaches national problem 's historical origin in Southeast Asia from the development of national culture and environment of national interaction .

  23. 作者对《剑桥东南亚史》的特点作了评介,认为该书中文版的出版发行,对推进中国东南亚历史的研究有着重要的作用。

    The author reviews the characteristics of the Cambridge History of Southeast Asia and believes that publization of its Chinese edition will play an important role in promoting research of Southeast Asian history in china .