
gū běn
  • the only existing copy;unique copy;the only copy extant
孤本 [gū běn]
  • (1) [only existing copy; only copy extant]∶现在仅存而别无它本的善本书籍、手稿或碑帖

  • (2) [the only existing copy]∶某书流传或存在于世的独本

孤本[gū běn]
  1. 汉字是当今世界仅存的一种表意文字。此书今仅存于日本,已为世上孤本。

    Chinese characters are the only existing ideogram in the world today . The book is in Japan and has become the only existing copy nowadays .

  2. 此书刊印精美,且为孤本,弥足矜贵。

    This book is a treasure both for its beauty and for being the only copy extant .

  3. 一开始,孤本报纸并不值钱——通常实际只收取2、3分钱——如果是比较老的知名报纸则能卖到5、6分钱。

    At first the price of single copies was seldom a penny — usually two or three cents was charged — and some of the older well-known papers charged five or six cents .

  4. 目前仅存的孤本今收藏于上海图书馆,是国宝级的文物。

    As a treasured cultural relic , it is collected Shanghai Library .

  5. 是目前全世界范围内唯一认定的唐代仕女画传世孤本。

    Is currently the only recognized worldwide tang handed down only existing copy of seeing painting .

  6. 安徽地方特色明显,刻本、套印本、活字本、稿本、写本、抄本等种类丰富,善本、孤本在全国占有一定地位。

    The ancient books obvious local characteristics , woodblock print , Taoyin Ben , movable , script , transcripts and other types are rich .

  7. 由于那里的很多古籍是孤本,不能外借,蔡伟就只好整本整本的抄下来。

    There were many ancient books which cannot be found elsewhere and cannot be loaned , he therefore sat at the library and copied down the whole book .

  8. 普通股孤本属于投入资本,它被看作是公司的永久资本,因为股东不能抽回自己的本金。

    Common stock is paid-in capital . It is regarded as the perma - nent capital of the business because it is not subject to with - drawal by the stockholders .

  9. 裘吉生在每一类的书目选择上,不仅注重珍本、孤本、稿本等珍贵文献的保存,更加注重其学术特点与实用价值。

    When choosing the books of every category , Qiu paid attention not only to the preservative value of only existing copies , precious copies and original manuscripts , but also to the academic features and practicability of every book .

  10. 只要一有时间,蔡伟就跑去图书馆学习。由于那里的很多古籍是孤本,不能外借,蔡伟就只好整本整本的抄下来。

    Whenever he had time , Cai Wei preferred to indulge himself in the library . There were many ancient books which cannot be found elsewhere and cannot be loaned , he therefore sat at the library and copied down the whole book .