
  • 网络An Orphan Rescues His Grandpa
  1. 《孤儿救祖记》成为中国第一部完整故事片。

    Orphan Rescues Grandfather became the first Chinese full-length feature film .

  2. 1923年,一个偶然的机会经同事引荐参加明星影片公司《孤儿救祖记》的拍摄,主演余蔚如。

    Occasionally in 1923 she was introduced to act in Orphan Rescues Grandfather made by the Star Film Studio , starring Yu Weiru .

  3. 作为早期中国电影里程碑式的作品,张石川、郑正秋合作的《孤儿救祖记》票房上的成功不仅为“明星”公司的繁荣奠定了基础,而且吸引了众多资金和人才来投资影视制作,引发了创办电影公司的热潮。

    As a milestone of early Chinese film , Orphan Rescues Grandfather made by Zhang Shichuan and Zheng Zhengqiu with its successful box-office appealing to Chinese audiences of the time not only aid a foundation for the prosperity of Star Film Studio , it attracted more investment capital and talent into filmmaking , allowing a upsurge of founding film companies .