
  1. 前期创造社期刊研究孤岛时期文学期刊研究

    The Research on the Earlier Stage of Creation Agency Periodicals

  2. 上海孤岛时期的宁波作家述略

    The Ningbo-born Writers in Shanghai during the Isolated Island Period

  3. 孤岛时期上海的广播电台(1937-1941)

    Radio Station in the " Island Time " in Shanghai ( 1937-1941 )

  4. 孤岛时期的论语派是抗战时期上海文坛的一支重要力量,但一直未被研究者关注。

    " Lunyu School " is an important factor on the literary world in Shanghai during the War of Resistance Against Japan .

  5. 都是上海孤岛时期走红的作家,许多人却是在张爱玲之后才知道苏青的。

    Both be popular writers of Shanghai " island " period , but many people know Su Qing because of Eileen Chang .

  6. 于伶在孤岛时期创作的八个多幕剧和一些独幕剧。这些剧作在叙事方式上有一个相似点:即通过浅俗的题材来升华出庄严的主题。

    Yu Ling in the island during the creation of more than eight one-act play and a number of one-act play in the narrative , there is a similar point : that through the shallow subject to sublimation of a solemn social themes .

  7. 左翼文人依靠着鲁迅风式的杂文,实现着自己的文学使命,《鲁迅风》的创办记录了他们忧国伤生的神色,也承载着孤岛时期杂文的创作。

    The left-wing scholars depend on the " Luxun Literary Style " essay and carrying out their own literature mission . Luxun Literary Style records their concern for the nation and people , also bears the creations of essay on " GuDao " period .

  8. “孤岛”时期,甬籍作家在上海的文化活动中占有重要的地位。

    In the " isolated island " period , the Ningbo-born writers played an important role in Shanghais cultural activities .

  9. “孤岛”时期的《文汇报》,是应“抗日救亡”的时代潮流和“孤岛”社会环境的需要而产生的坚持民族大义、坚持抗日宣传的民办爱国报纸。

    The Standard in Shanghai during the period of Gudao was published for the need of the " anti-Japanese and national salvation " trend of the times and the occupied Shanghais social environment .