
gū tǐng huā
  • belladonna lily
孤挺花[gū tǐng huā]
  1. 热带美洲产的一种孤挺花,因具美丽的白色到红色的花而被广泛种植。

    Amaryllis of tropical America often cultivated as a houseplant for its showy white to red flowers .

  2. 没想到这竟激发出我在装饰、点缀方面的天赋,各种各样的东西,从孤挺花到枫树的叶芽,都成为我手下的装饰材料。

    This arranger of mine had developed a flair for decorating , using everything from amaryllis to the buds of a maple tree .

  3. 耐寒的孤挺花完全随阳光而定,我将它们种在庭院中最热的地方。

    The hardy Amaryllis belladonna are completely dependent upon sunshine and I have them growing in one of the hottest spots in the garden .