
  • 网络Lonely Woman;The Lonely Wife
  1. 一个孤独的女人难免说话尖刻。

    A woman alone just has bitter remarks .

  2. 那个孤独的女人真的是我吗?

    Was that lonely woman really me ?

  3. 这个悲伤孤独的女人?

    The sad and lonely woman ?

  4. 意大利语:一个年老而孤独的女人,与猫相依为命。

    Gattara-Italian : a woman , often old and lonely , who devotes herself to stray cats .

  5. 这篇小记是她晚年丈夫已死的时候写的。当时她是个孤独的女人,到处漂泊。

    This sketch was written in her old age after her husband had died , when she was alonely old woman fleeing from place to place .

  6. 我是一个孤独的杠杆龙头女人。

    I am a single Lever Faucet lady .