
  • 网络Winter Child
  1. 冬天出生的孩子可谓先天不足。

    Children born in the winter months already have a few strikes against them .

  2. 冬天出生的孩子氧容量高,因此踢足球的耐力好。

    Winterborn babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity , which increases soccer stamina .

  3. 这代表了冬天日内瓦的孩子们课间在操场上玩。

    These are children in the schoolyard in Geneva during a recess during the winter .

  4. 这些冬天出生的孩子肯定是发生了什么事情所以才命途多舛。

    It must be something that happens to those winter-born children that accounts for their faring poorly .

  5. 先前的调查已经表明:与冬天出生的孩子相比,六月到十月之间出生的孩子长得更高,骨骼发育得更好的可能性稍大,研究者相信这和母亲孕期摄入维生素D有关。

    Previous research has shown children born between June and October are likely to be slightly taller and have bigger bones than winter-born children - believed to be related to vitamin D exposure during pregnancy .