  • winter
  • rub-a-dub;rat-tat;rat-a-tat
  • 一年中的第四季:~季(农历十月至十二月)。~天。~眠。

  • 姓。

  • 象声词,敲鼓声:战鼓~~。


(冬季) winter:

  • 初冬

    early winter;

  • 寒冬

    chilly [cold] winter;

  • 今[明; 去]冬

    this [next; last] winter;

  • 暖冬

    green winter;

  • 严冬

    hard [rigorous; severe] winter;

  • 在南方海边过冬

    pass the winter on the south coast;

  • 冬去春来。

    Spring follows winter.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 冬阳

    Dong Yang


(形容敲鼓或敲门等声音) rub-a-dub; rat-tat; rat-a-tat:

  • 冬冬地敲鼓

    thump the drum;

  • 冬冬地敲门

    drum at the door;

  • 冬冬地奔下楼梯

    thumping down the stairs;

  • 冬冬声


  1. 那是晚冬阳光明媚的一天,温度只有零上几度。

    It 's a sunny late winter day , just a few degrees above zero

  2. 我这件棉袄凑合着还能穿一冬。

    I can make this padded jacket do for another winter .

  3. 如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽。

    If unused , winter radishes run to seed in spring .

  4. 在工作上他总是忽冷忽热有冬有夏。

    His enthusiasm for his work blew hot and cold .

  5. 冬去春来。

    Spring follows winter .

  6. 这所学校是一九七八年冬创建的。

    This school was set up in the winter of1978 .

  7. 冷水可以涌开或者可以平流到冬半球。

    Cold water may be upwelled or may be advected into the winter hemisphere .

  8. 冬小麦在春季返青。

    The winter wheat turns green in spring .

  9. 冬行秋令。

    The winter weather is like autumn .

  10. 《猎鹰与冬兵》的最后一集也一样。

    Marvel and The Winter Soldier " was no different .

  11. 多地明确:返乡者需持核酸检测阴性证明为了遏制冬春季疫情,我国将进一步扩大核酸检测范围,并增加定期检测频率。

    To curb the epidemic in this winter-spring period , China will expand nucleic acid testing to a larger scale and increase regular testing frequency .

  12. 体育强国的基础在群众体育。要通过举办北京冬奥会、冬残奥会,把我国冰雪运动特别是雪上运动搞上去。

    The foundation of building a sporting powerhouse lies in mass-participation sports and China 's hosting of the Games should entail a higher national level of winter sports , especially snow sports .

  13. 奖牌背面为一架象征着奥运会文化项目的竖琴,以及各式各样的冬、夏体育运动器材拼成的拱形图。

    On the reverse , a harp4 as a symbol of the cultural programme of the Games and the different sports equipment , winter as well as summer , forming an arch .

  14. 观众不仅看到了艾米丽·万凯普饰演的莎朗·卡特掉转的鞋跟,而且还注意到该剧的名字改成了“美国队长与冬兵”。

    Not only did viewers see the full heel turn of Emily VanCamp 's Sharon Carter , but the show 's title changed to read " Captain America and The Winter Soldier . "

  15. 《猎鹰与冬兵》这部剧获得了相当不错的口碑和影迷反响,拿下五项艾美奖提名,塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦在剧中饰演冬日战士布坎南·巴恩斯。

    Falcon and the Winter Soldier , which also stars Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes , the Winter Soldier , has earned strong critical and fan reaction . It is nominated for five Emmys .

  16. 2022年冬残奥会火炬与冬奥会火炬结构与样式相同,采用金色与银色,火炬最下方刻有“北京2022年冬残奥会”全称的盲文。

    Sharing the same structure and patterns , the torch for the 2022 Paralympic Winter Games features a different color scheme of gold and silver . The bottom of the torch is engraved with Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games in Braille .

  17. 北京即将成为奥运历史上首座“双奥之城”,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会火炬整体外观与北京2008年奥运会开幕式主火炬塔的巨型卷轴形态相呼应,体现了双奥之城的传承与发扬。

    To honor Beijing 's status as the world 's first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics , the 2022 torch features a similar design to the 2008 Games ' main cauldron , which resembled a giant scroll of the Olympic spirit in the Chinese capital .

  18. 曾益新表示,冬春季,尤其是春节期间,疫情防控形势依旧严峻、复杂,限制聚集活动及人员流动很有必要,同时建议错峰出行和线上消费。

    Zeng said the epidemic situation during the winter and spring was likely to remain grim and complex , especially in the upcoming Spring Festival , so it 's necessary to limit gatherings and the flow of people . He advised people to choose off-peak travel and online shopping .

  19. 冬小麦田间墒情预报的BP神经网络模型

    Back-propagation neural network model for soil moisture forecast of winter wheat field

  20. 应用~(32)P对冬小麦返青期追磷吸收利用规律的研究

    Studies on the rule of winter wheat absorption and utilization of phosphorus fertilizer at spring regreening stage using phosphorus-32 tracer

  21. 酸雨的酸度(pH值小)较大,其酸雨频率分布特征为夏半年较低,冬半年较高。

    The frequence is lower in summer half year and higher in winter half year .

  22. 包含CO2因子的冬小麦叶片光合作用农业气象简化模型研究

    Studies on Simplified Agro-meteorological Models on Leaf Photosynthesis of Winter Wheat Including CO_2 Impacts

  23. 冬小麦根系~(32)P吸收活力的变化规律及其与器官建成关系的研究

    Studies on Relationship between Change of Root ~ ( 32 ) P Absorption Vigour and Plant Organ Building in Winter Wheat

  24. GIS支持下的复杂地形区冬小麦长势遥感监测方法

    The Monitoring Method of Winter Wheat Growing Vigor by Remote Sensing in Complicated Topographical Regions Based on GIS

  25. 冬小麦春化相关基因cDNA(verc203)片段序列的分析

    Sequence Analysis of Vernalization-related cDNA Clone from Winter Wheat

  26. 用叶面标记态~(15)N研究冬小麦不同叶位氮素的运转

    Study on the Nitrogen Transfer in Different Leaf in Canopy by Using Isotope ~ ( 15 ) N Labeled on Leaf

  27. 钼磷营养影响冬小麦体内N、P、K等元素的含量及其累积量。

    Both Mo and P influence the content of elements of the winter wheat , such as N , P , K .

  28. 关于HPC混凝土冬施中几个问题探讨

    Discussion on the high performance concrete for concrete construction in winter

  29. 结果表明,干旱条件下,冬小麦的平均灌浆时间T相对缩短,平均灌浆速率R相应增加;

    The results showed that the mean grain filling time of winter wheat was shortened while the mean grain filling rate was increased correspondingly .

  30. 利用GCMTransientRun生成我国冬小麦主产区的气候渐变情景

    Climate Change Transient Scenarios in the Main Winter Wheat Producing Regions in China Generated by GCM Transient Run