
  1. 在当令期,草莓价格便宜且不用从温、热地带进口。

    Strawberries are cheaper when they 're in season and don 't need to be imported from a hotter country .

  2. 位于炎热热漠地带边缘的小村庄好似万里绵延海岸线上的一个小港口。

    A desert village perches " on the edge of the hot sands like a small harbour on the edge of a great sea " .

  3. 对这一加热不平衡的动力学响应结果导致热在这沙漠地带的对流层上部辐合。

    The dynamic response to the heating imbalance is such as to converge heat into the upper troposphere of the desert regions .