
  • 网络Thermal ionization mass spectrometry;Tims
  1. 地球科学中热电离质谱法的进展

    Advances in thermal ionization mass spectrometry in geosciences

  2. 热电离质谱法树脂珠技术的新方法

    New Method of Resin Bead Technique in Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry

  3. 甘露醇对石墨存在下Cs2BO2~+离子热电离质谱法测定硼同位素的影响

    Effect of Mannitol on Isotopic Measurement of Boron by Thermal - ionization Mass Spectrometry Based on Cs_2BO_2 ~ + Ion with Graphite Loading

  4. 以测定Cs2BO+2离子的热电离质谱法,用VG-354型质谱计测定了大柴达木盐湖卤水及其外围水系的硼同位素组成。

    The boron isotopic composition in the brines of Da Qaidam Salt Lake and its surrounding waters has been determined by VG-354 model mass spectrometry with the Cs2BO + 2 ion being measured by thermal technique .

  5. 热电离质谱铀系法测定珊瑚及对古环境研究

    TIMS uranium series method for coral dating and paleoenvironment research

  6. 高精度热电离质谱铀系法测定北京猿人遗址年代初步结果

    Preliminary results on U-series dating of Peking Man Site with high precision tims

  7. 热电离质谱铀系法测定碳酸盐标样

    Determination of Age for Standard Carbonate Samples by TIMS with Uranium series Age Method