
  • 网络isotopes;environmental isotope
  1. 根据地面调查、物探、钻探、环境同位素和水文地球化学等多元信息,并借助地理信息系统(GIS),开发了石油污水回注适宜性综合评价模型。

    According to the multivariate information including geological survey , drilling , geophysical prospecting , environmental isotopes and hydrogeochemistry , a comprehensive assessment model for evaluating the suitability of produced water reinjection technology was developed by means of geographical information system ( GIS ) .

  2. 基于环境同位素的陇东盆地地下水分析

    Analysis on Groundwater Based on Environmental Isotopes in the Longdong Basin

  3. 介绍了环境同位素示踪技术在地热地球化学研究中的最新应用和进展。包括温泉气体的同位素(He、C)示踪;

    This paper reviews the recent application and development of environmental isotope tracing technology to geothermal geochemistry in the following aspects : gas isotopes ( He , C ) tracing of warm springs ;

  4. 湖泊自生碳酸盐δ18O(δ18Oc)是研究湖泊水体同位素平衡和气候变化的重要环境同位素指标。

    δ ~ ( 18 ) O of lacustrine authigenic carbonates , i. e. δ ~ ( 18 ) O_c is an important environmental isotopic indicator for the study of lake water isotopic balance and of climatic evolution .

  5. 应用环境同位素D、18O、T、14C,从可持续发展的角度初步探讨了鄂尔多斯盆地地下水资源的形成演化规律及可更新程度,为可持续性开发利用区域地下水资源提供了系统科学支持的理论基础。

    The Law for the formation and evolvement of the groundwater resource in Erdos Basin is discussed by using the environmental isotope D , 18O , T and 14C , which supply a theoretic base for the sustaining exploitation and utilization of the regional groundwater resource .

  6. 水电工程地质勘察中的环境同位素方法

    Environmental isotope method in the engineering geological investigation of hydropower projects

  7. 金山岭长城矿泉环境同位素研究

    The environmental isotope research of Jinshan mountain Great Wall mineral spring

  8. 环境同位素在三水转化研究中的应用

    Application of Environmental Isotopes to the Study on Precipitation-surface Water-groundwater Transformation

  9. 北京市城近郊区地下水的环境同位素研究

    A study of environmental isotopes in groundwaters near the suburbs of Beijing

  10. 集水区降雨径流晌应的环境同位素实验研究

    Experimental Research on Catchment Runoff Responses Traced by Environmental Isotopes

  11. 环境同位素在秦岭特长隧道地区地下水研究中的应用

    Application of Environmental Isotope to the Research of Groundwater in Qinling Tunnel

  12. 环境同位素在水文地质和环境地质研究中的应用

    The Application of Environmental Isotopes to Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

  13. 渭北东部奥陶系岩溶地下水环境同位素特征分

    The environment isotopic character of Ordovician cast water in east of wei north

  14. 环境同位素示踪技术在地热地球化学研究中的应用

    Application of environmental isotope tracing technology to geothermal geochemistry

  15. 深圳抽水蓄能电站厂房区地下水环境同位素分析

    Analysis of Groundwater Environment Isotopes in Powerhouse Area of Shenzhen Pumped-storage Power Station

  16. 环境同位素在某市水源地勘探中的应用

    Application of environmental isotope to the prospecting of groundwater resources in a city

  17. 环境同位素在邢台煤矿放水试验中的应用

    The application of environmental isotope method to water discharge trial in Xingtai Coalmine

  18. 环境同位素方法在煤矿防治水中的应用

    Application of Environmental Isotope Method in Mine Water Control

  19. 环境同位素和水化学在堤坝渗漏研究中的应用

    Application of environmental isotope and hydrochemistry to leakage study

  20. 应用环境同位素方法研究塔里木河下游浅层地下水

    Environmental isotope studies on shallow groundwater in the lower Tarim river , Xinjiang

  21. 太原盆地水环境同位素分布特征及其指示意义放射性同位素敷贴剂

    The distribution characteristic of water environmental isotope in Taiyuan basin and their indication

  22. 塔克拉玛干沙漠地下水环境同位素研究

    The ground water environment isotop analysis for Taklimakan Desert

  23. 应用环境同位素和模糊聚类方法研究堤防渗漏

    Application of environmental isotope and fuzzy clustering method to study of seepage from dykes

  24. 张掖市地下水位上升区环境同位素特征及补给来源分析

    Environmental isotope characteristics and groundwater recharge in groundwater level rise area in Zhangye City

  25. 在3个实例中,运用环境同位素和水化学得出了许多有益的结论,并且这些结论也通过其它方法得到了验证。

    Some conclusions are drawn and also proved by other methods in three examples .

  26. 稳定性氢氧同位素是广泛存在于水中的环境同位素。

    Composing characteristic of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes and tracing of hydrological cycle ;

  27. 用环境同位素研究灰场灰水对周围地下水的影响

    Application of Environmental Isotope in Studying the Influence of Fly Ash Leaching on Groundwater

  28. 塔里木盆地区域地下水环境同位素特征及其意义

    Regional environmental isotopic features of groundwater and their hydrogeological explanation in the Tarim Basin

  29. 平凉天然水环境同位素研究及其在隐伏岩溶水文地质中的应用

    Environmental isotope of natural water and its application in covered karst hydrogeology in Pingliang area

  30. 环境同位素方法在矿坑充水条件研究中的应用探讨

    Discussion on the application of environmental isotope method in the study of mine flooding condition