
  • 网络Environmental monitoring management;Environmental Monitoring for Management
  1. 3S技术在油田环境监测管理中的应用前景

    Application future of 3 " S " technique in oilfield environment monitoring

  2. 陕西省农业环境监测管理系统的开发

    Exploitation of Agricultural Environment Monitoring and Management System of Shanxi Province

  3. 温室环境监测管理系统软件的开发

    Development of the Software in Monitoring and Managing System for Greenhouse Environment

  4. 构建环境监测管理决策支持系统的初步设想

    Preliminary Plan to Establish Environmental Monitoring Administration Decision Support System

  5. 扩权强县背景下环境监测管理模式的转变

    Environmental Monitoring Management Mode 's Change under Background of Enlarging Authority of Rich Counties

  6. 对我国环境监测管理制度的思考

    Status of Environmental Monitoring Management System in China

  7. 天津市水环境监测管理信息系统的研究

    Tianjin Water Environment Inspection Information Management System Research

  8. GB/T19000管理模式在环境监测管理体系中的应用

    The Application of GB / T19000 Management Model in Environment Supervision and Man-agement System

  9. 环境监测管理的基本职能

    Fundamental Function of Environmental Monitoring and Management

  10. 一个全新的环境监测管理系统

    A fire-new manage shareware for environment monitoring

  11. 环境监测管理信息系统的构建

    Constructing Environmental Monitoring and Management Information System

  12. 论实行以条为主、条块结合的环境监测管理体制的必要性

    Necessity of Reform Environmental Monitoring Management

  13. 国外环境监测管理的几点经验

    Experiences of Environmental Monitoring at Abroad

  14. 浅析环境监测管理职能系统

    On environmental monitoring management system

  15. 学习先进理念、促进环境监测管理水平提升&中意环境管理与可持续发展培训感受

    Studied Advanced Theoretics , Upgraded Environmental Monitoring Management Level & Cultivation Reception of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development in China and Italy

  16. 分析了我国环境监测管理制度的现状及存在的问题,提出了改革和完善我国环境监测管理制度的思路。

    This paper discusses the status of the environmental monitoring management system in China , analyses its difficulties , and proposes some thoughts on reforming and improving the system .

  17. 都江堰市GIS环境监测信息管理系统研究

    Research on GIS Environmental Monitoring Information Management System for Dujiangyan City

  18. 基于GIS的环境监测信息管理系统的构建

    Establishment of information management system for environmental monitoring based on GIS technology

  19. 结合Internet技术开发油田环境监测信息化管理技术

    Developing the Information Management Technique on Environmental Monitoring in Oilfield with the Combination of Internet Technique Selection and Washing-up of Container during the Trace Analysis

  20. 3S技术的城市环境监测与管理系统研究

    Study of Urban Environmental Monitoring and Management System with 3S Techniques

  21. 本文提出了基于地理信息系统(GIS)的辐射环境监测信息管理系统的设计方案,着重阐述了该系统的设计目标、主要功能以及GIS技术的作用。

    The design goal , main function and the position of GIS technology of environmental radiation monitoring system were discussed in this study .

  22. 论述了新一代环境监测与管理信息系统(EMMIS)的支撑技术、开发手段及其功能特点;

    This article shows the supportable technology , exploitation means and functional characteristics of modern environmental monitoring and management information system ( EMMIS ) .

  23. 为了提高水环境监测和管理的信息化和自动化水平,本论文研究由嵌入式Internet接入技术和GIS实现远程水质监测和水质信息管理。

    To improve the informationization of water environment supervision , this thesis proposes a system of water environment remote monitor and water quality data management which bases on embedded internet connecting technic and GIS ( Global Information System ) .

  24. 环境监测业务管理系统的设计与开发

    The business management system of environmental monitoring 's exploitation and application

  25. 县级环境监测部门管理问题与对策

    The Management Problems of Country Environmental Monitoring Department and Its Countermeasures

  26. 提高基础环境监测站管理水平的途径

    The Methods of Improving the Management Ability of substrate monitoring station

  27. 环境监测质量管理现状及发展对策初探

    The Status for Environmental Monitoring Quality Management and the Strategy for Development

  28. 生活垃圾卫生填埋场环境监测信息管理系统设计

    Design of Environment Monitoring Information System of Domestic Waste Sanitary Landfill Sites

  29. 基于无线通讯的远程环境监测与管理信息系统设计

    The Remote Environment of Inspecting and Managing System Based on Wireless Communication

  30. 环境监测科研管理相关问题探讨

    Issues about the Scientific and Research Management in Environmental Monitoring