
  • 网络Electric energy metering device;electric energy measurement device
  1. 浅析电能计量装置误差的综合管理

    Analysis to Error Comprehensive Management of Electric Energy Measurement Device

  2. 电能计量装置准确与否,直接关系到电力系统中各企业的经济效益。

    The accuracy of the electric energy measurement device has direct bearing on the economic benefit of each enterprise within the electric power system .

  3. 基于Web的广东省网关口电能计量装置监督管理系统

    Web-based supervision and management system for gateway electric energy metering devices in Guangdong power grid

  4. 电能计量装置综合误差纠正功能在ION高端关口电能表中的实现

    Correction of Combined Error in ION Advanced Grid Revenue Meter

  5. 基于GPS的电能计量装置时钟测试系统

    Clock test system for electric energy measuring devices based on GPS

  6. GIS设备中电能计量装置改造方法的探讨

    Study on transformation means for electric energy metering devices in gas insulated switchgear

  7. PT二次压降补偿器工作原理及对电能计量装置的影响分析

    The Analyses of Quadratic Electric Tension Drop Compensator Effort Principle and the Influence for Electric Energy Metering Device

  8. 而PT二次压降又是引起电能计量装置综合误差的直接原因之一。

    PT secondary voltage step-down is one of the reason which causes the comprehensive error of the electric energy metering equipment .

  9. 基于Proteus的数字电能计量装置设计

    Design on the digital metering device of electricity based on Proteus

  10. 介绍了一种用来测量电能计量装置的时钟基频误差,并提供GPS标准时间以校准其实时时钟的新型工具。

    A new tool that can test the clock base frequency error of energy measuring devices and provide GPS standard time to calibrate real-time clock was introduced in this paper .

  11. 本文主要研究两个方面的内容:一是利用GPRS无线公网通讯模式,基于现场校验仪的测量功能,实现远程电能计量装置接线检测及数据专家化处理分析。

    Firstly , using public Netcom GPRS wireless telecommunications model and based on the metering device measurement function , connection testing and specialized data processing for remote energy metering device are realized .

  12. 针对目前GIS内装电能计量装置普遍存在准确度等级过低的问题,探讨出一套效果好、费用低廉的改造方法,该方法对非GIS电能计量装置存在的问题也同样具有改造效果。

    Aiming at the ubiquitous problem of excessively low accuracy class of electric energy metering devices in gas insulated switchgear ( GIS ), effective and economical altering approaches are studied , which are also applicable to non-GIS electric energy metering devices .

  13. 首先,对10kV配电网电能计量装置的选择进行了分析,指出电能计量装置的计量准确性和合理性对线损管理尤为重要;

    Firstly , the selection of electric energy metering devices for 10 kV distribution network is analyzed , the vital importance of the accuracy and rationality of electric energy metering devices to line loss management indicated .

  14. 浅谈电能计量装置的科学管理

    Simple Discussion on Scientific Management for Electric Power Energy Metering Equipment

  15. 关口电能计量装置综合误差分析与补偿

    Comprehensive Error Analysis and Compensation for Gateway Electrical Energy Metering Device

  16. 利用相互关系巧妙比对电能计量装置综合误差

    Using Inter-relationship to Evaluate the Integrated Error of Energy Measurement Devices

  17. 电能计量装置运行状态分析系统设计

    The design of electric energy metering device running status analysis system

  18. 多功能多通道测重仪对电能计量装置改造的技术措施

    Weighing Instrument of Multifunction and Multichannel On rebuild of energy metering

  19. 电压自动切换装置在电能计量装置改造中的应用

    Application of Voltage Automatic Switching Device in Energy Metering Device Retrofitting

  20. 基于线损分析的电能计量装置误差研究

    The Electric Energy Metering Error Study Based on Line Loss Analysis

  21. 计量点迁移后电能计量装置综合误差分析

    Composition Error Analysis of Energy measuring Device After Measure Point Changed

  22. 预付费电能计量装置的现状分析与改进措施

    The Current Situation Analysis and Improvements of Prepayment Watt-hour Metering Device

  23. 浅谈减小电能计量装置综合误差的对策

    Talk about the Countermeasure of Decreasing Electrical Energy Measure Devices Synthesis Error

  24. 电能计量装置综合误差产生的原因及降低措施

    Cause and Decreasing Measures of Comprehensive Error Using Electric Energy Metering Device

  25. 电能计量装置的综合误差分析及改进措施

    Synthesize the Error Analysis of Energy Measurement Device and Its Improvement Measures

  26. 电能计量装置综合误差的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty about Integrated Error of Electric Energy Metering

  27. 高压电能计量装置特殊接线及其分析

    Special wiring analysis of high voltage electric energy metering device

  28. 关口电能计量装置在线核查和随机监控的研讨

    Research on On-line Verification and Random Monitoring of Gateway Energy Metering Devices

  29. 电能计量装置综合误差规范化管理

    Discussion on Standardization Management of Combined Error of Metering Device

  30. 三相三线电能计量装置错误接线的简化分析

    The Analysis on the Wrong Wiring of the Electrical Energy Measurement Device