
  1. 电磁场与电磁波的CAI软件

    A CAI Software of Electromagnetic Field and Wave

  2. 电磁场与电磁波课程体系规划研究

    Planning to the Course System of Electromagnetic Field and Wave

  3. δ函数在电磁场与电磁波课程中的应用

    The Applications of δ Function in Electromagnetic Field and Wave

  4. 电磁场与电磁波是电类专业一门重要的专业基础课。

    Electromagnetic Field and Wave is a basic and important technique course .

  5. 在电磁场与电磁波课程中建立创新理念

    The Building of Innovation Idea in Electromagnetic Field & Wave Courses System

  6. 通信工程专业《电磁场与电磁波》课程教学实践

    The Teaching Practice of the Course of of the Communication Engineering Speciality

  7. 最后,根据电磁场与电磁波理论分析微波在有耗媒质中的传播机理。

    Finally , according to electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave theory , the propagation mechanism of microwave in the lossy media is studied .

  8. 我们相信该课题的研究能对《电磁场与电磁波》教学质量的提高乃至理工科人才的培养提供借鉴与参考。

    We believe that the investigation of this topic is able to offer a helpful instance and reference of improving both the teaching quality of ' Electromagnetic Fields and Waves ' and science & engineering talents ' training .

  9. 本文有针对性地选取国内外《电磁场与电磁波》教材体系结构、教学内容、例题习题进行比较研究,切实地归纳出《电磁场与电磁波》教材建设的意见与建议。

    The paper pertinently makes comparisons of structure , teaching content , examples and exercises of internal and oversea teaching material , then offers some suggestions about the teaching material 's construction of ' Electromagnetic Fields and Waves ' .

  10. 电磁波理论的应用与发展已经有一百多年的历史,电磁场与电磁波技术已经渗透到人们生活的各个方面。

    There is a long history for the development of electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave theory , and it has been one of the fastest-growing fields which have almost permeated through all aspects of human being 's life so far .

  11. 时域有限差分法是计算电磁学中的一种重要方法,被广泛应用于电磁散射、微波器件、辐射天线和电磁兼容等电磁场与电磁波问题的研究。

    The finite difference time domain method ( FDTD ) is an important method of computational electromagnetics , It is widely used in electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave research such as electromagnetic scattering , microwave devices , antennas and electromagnetic compatibility .

  12. 电子信息技术的不断发展,使高速数字电路、无线通信、电磁兼容等方向的人才需求不断加大,这对电磁场与电磁波课程体系提出了新的要求。

    The quantity of talented people majored in high-speed digital circuit , wireless communication and electromagnetic compatibility is increasing rapidly with the development of electronic information technology . This trend brings new challenges to the course system of Electromagnetic Field and Wave .

  13. 随着电磁技术广泛的应用,越来越多的电磁辐射已经出现在人类生产生活当中,形成了电磁污染,目前已经有很多机构开展了电磁场与电磁波对人类及其他生物影响的研究课题。

    With the wide application of electromagnetic technology , more and more different frequency bands of electromagnetic radiation produced in the human life and form of electromagnetic pollution . Currently , many organizations have carried out the research topics of electromagnetic effects on humans and other biology .