
  • 网络Insar;SPIR
  1. 干涉雷达复图像配准与干涉纹图的增强

    Registration of INSAR Complex Images and Interferogram Enhancement

  2. 机载干涉雷达数据的直接地学编码处理

    Direct Geo - referencing Airborne InSAR Data

  3. 干涉雷达在DEM测量中的精度影响及处理方法

    Factors Critical to the Mapping Accuracy and Processing Techniques of Topographic Mapping Using Interferometric SAR

  4. 应用Kriging插值方法插补干涉雷达DEM奇异值斑块

    Interpretation of InSAR DEM Error Patch with Kriging Interpolation Based on Spatial Statistics

  5. 用SIR-C航天飞机双频极化干涉雷达估计植被高度的方法研究

    Method study of vegetation height estimation using SIR-C dual frequency polarimetric SAR interferometry data

  6. 利用差分干涉雷达测量(D-InSAR)技术能快速准确地获取时间序列上高空间分辨率、大区域的地表形变信息。

    High spatial resolution and large area of surface deformation information in time series can be rapidly and accurately obtained by using radar differential interferometry ( D-InSAR ) technology .

  7. 特别是差分干涉雷达技术(D-InSAR)具有高形变敏感度、高空间分辨率的特点,而且几乎不受云雨天气的制约。

    Especially , the Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry ( D-InSAR ) has the advantages of high sensitivity of deformation , high spatial resolution and no constraints from weather conditions .

  8. 激光高度表与干涉雷达数据融合在高度测量中的应用

    Data Fusion of Interferometric Radar and Laser Altimeter for Height Finding

  9. 星载干涉雷达影像匹配以及干涉图平地效应去除

    Interferometric SAR Image Registration and Removal of Phase of Flat Earth

  10. 干涉雷达地表相干特性分析及土地类型分类

    Coherence Signatures Analysis and Classification of Land Cover of SAR Interferometry

  11. 差分干涉雷达测量在地面沉降中的应用研究

    Application Study of Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar on Surface Subsidence

  12. 差分干涉雷达技术用于不连续形变的监测研究

    Research on the Monitoring of Discontinuous Deformation by Differential SAR Interferometry

  13. 航天飞机极化干涉雷达数据反演地表植被参数

    Inversion of Vegetation Parameters Using Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Interferometry

  14. 干涉雷达永久散射体自动探测&算法与实验结果

    Automated Detection of Permanent Scatterers in Radar Interferometry : Algorithm and Testing Results

  15. 干涉雷达在地学研究中的应用

    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications in Geosciences Research

  16. 极化干涉雷达遥感机制及作用

    The Mechanism and Role of Polarimetric SAR Interferometry

  17. 星载稀疏阵扫描模式干涉雷达动目标检测研究天基稀疏阵杂波自由度分析

    The Study of Moving Targets Indication for Scanning Pattern Interferometric Radar of Spaceborne Sparse Array

  18. 极化干涉雷达技术是一种将极化和干涉雷达技术集成为一体的技术。

    Polarimetric SAR interferometry is the technique that integrated the radar polarimetry and radar interferometry .

  19. 已知相位差进行相位估值,在干涉雷达,自适应光学,补偿式成像,图象处理等方面起着关键作用。

    The estimation of phases from measurements of phase differences plays an important role in radar interferometry , adaptive optics , compensated imaging and image processing .

  20. 本论文开展了利用干涉雷达技术在南极内陆冰盖地区提取数字高程模型和测量复杂冰流的研究,另利用大尺度的微波散射计和辐射计数据开展了冰盖冰架地区的变化监测研究。

    The dissertation investigates application of SAR interferometry in Antarctic inland glacier for DEM and complex ice flow measurement , also large-scale scatterometer and radiometer data for ice sheet monitoring .

  21. 结果表明,在对大区域、缓慢形变的地区进行干涉雷达监测,本文提出的方法可以更好地解决小数据集下低相干区地表形变监测问题。

    The results show that when applied to the slow deformation of large area , this method can effectively solve the small data set problem in low coherence of deformation monitoring .

  22. 分析机载激光雷达系统和地面激光雷达系统的工作原理、系统组成、系统特点以及与干涉雷达技术、航空摄影测量、近景摄影测量等相关技术的比较。

    The working principle , system components , system characteristic of Airborne Laser Scanning and Terrestrial Laser Scanning , and also the difference between LIDAR and INSAR , LIDAR and photogrammetry , are systematically analyzed . 3 .

  23. 最后利用统计方法分析了干涉雷达提取的地表形变的分布特征和发展趋势,并将该方法应用于区域性地面沉降监测,同时还尝试了利用该流程提取地下煤火燃烧区的地表形变。

    Finally , the spatial pattern and temporal trend of the extracted surface deformation is analyzed via the spatial-temporal statistical method . And this new procedure is applied to monitor land subsidence in a normal regional area and an underground coal fire deformation area .

  24. 干涉成像雷达高度计数据处理系统

    Data Processing System for Interferometric Radar Imaging Altimeter

  25. 干涉仪雷达系统性误差的模拟计算表明:效果良好,优于主成分估计。

    The simulation calculation of radar systematic error shows that the results are satisfactory and better than those of principal component estimate .

  26. 本文提出了干涉合成孔径雷达(INSAR)从SAR单视复图像到非模糊相位图的一种实用数据处理方法。

    In this paper , an algorithm of generating INSAR unwrapped phase image from SAR single-look complex images is presented .

  27. 仿真是进行星载分布式干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)研究的重要方式。

    Simulation is an important way to carry out the study of spaceborne distributed InSAR system .

  28. 研究了顺轨双天线机载干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)的海面运动舰船目标成像问题。

    The moving ship imaging problem is investigated based on along track airborne InSAR with two antennas .

  29. 基线是干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)工作原理中的关键参数。

    Baseline is a key parameter in the theory of the interferometric synthetic aperture radar ( InSAR ) .

  30. 该文讨论了干涉合成孔径雷达(INSAR)的二维相位展开算法。

    This paper mainly focuses on the2-D phase unwrapping algorithm for Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Rader ( INSAR ) .