
zài shēnɡ jì shù
  • Regeneration technology;regenerative technology
  1. 沥青路面就地热再生技术及设备

    On - site Hot Regenerative Technology of Asphalt Pavement and Equipment

  2. 结合高原地区的特点,从发动机外部分析,对柴油机废气净化装置采用三级滤烟设施,增加催化设备及利用再生技术。

    According to the features of plateau area , by analysis of the engine outside , the waste gas purifying unit for diesel engine adopts three-class smoke filtering facilities to increase catalytic equipment and utilize the regenerative technology .

  3. 玛连尼就地热再生技术及应用生物通风(BV)是一种原位土壤生物修复技术,它可以有效地去除土壤中的有机污染物。

    Bioventing is an in-situ technology used in removal of organic compounds in contaminated soil .

  4. UOP公司循环床再生技术在装置改造中的应用

    Application of uop 's recycle bed catalyst regeneration in FCC revamping

  5. 而作为PM净化最有效的微粒捕集器(DPF)却因其再生技术问题得不到广泛应用。

    But the DPF which is the most effective technique for the purification of PM is not widely used for its regeneration technology .

  6. IFP连续重整新一代催化剂再生技术的改进

    Improvement of continuous reformer for IFP new generation catalyst regeneration

  7. 采用水洗再生技术提高5A分子筛活性水洗再生后的5A分子筛运行状况分析

    Improvement of the Activity of 5A Zeolite by Water-washing Regeneration process Working Status Analysis of Water - washed 5A Zeolite

  8. 综述了催化裂化富氧再生技术、富氧克劳斯硫磺回收工艺和TPA装置富氧工艺。

    The paper reviews FCC enrichment regeneration technology , CLAUS enrichment sulphur recovery process and the enrichment technology used in terephthalic acid ( TPA ) equipment .

  9. 活性炭吸附催化氧化SO2的性能及再生技术是该工艺的关键,一直是国内外科技人员研究的重要课题。

    The SO2 adsorption and oxidation capability and the regeneration technique of activated carbon are key factors to the successful performance of this technology and hot research arenas in the world .

  10. 最近一种联合牙周再生技术(combinedperiodontalregenerativetechniqueCPRT)用于牙周缺损的治疗。

    Recently Combined periodontal regenerative technique ( CPRT ) has been used in treatment of periodontal defects . The effectiveness of CPRT has been evaluated in many studies in comparison to GTR , but conflicting results have been obtained .

  11. 概述了全光网络中的全光再生技术、密集波分复用、掺铒光纤放大器EDFA、光随机存储RAM、光开关等关键技术,提出了今后进一步研究的方向和思路。

    This paper introduces some key techniques of all-optical net ( AON ) such as all-optical regeneration , dense WDM , Erbium-mixing optical amplifier EDFA , optical random stock RAM , and optical switch , etc.

  12. 但目前我国的沥青路面再生技术还处于起步阶段,其研究主要集中在普通沥青混合料和SBS改性沥青混合料等,而对PE改性沥青却涉及较少。

    However , asphalt pavement recycling technology in our country is still in its infancy , and the research mainly focus on common asphalt mixture and SBS modified asphalt mixture , etc. Meanwhile the PE modified asphalt is related to less .

  13. ROCC-V型重油催化裂化的再生技术

    Regeneration technique for ROCC-V type residue catalytic cracking unit

  14. 使用XRD、XPS、IR、光电比色、催化剂活性评价法研究了工业失活DH-2及CN-101除氢催化剂的再生技术。

    The regeneration of the deactivated catalysts CN-101 and DH-2 for removal of hydrogen from CO_2 feed gas was investigated by means of XRD , XPS , IR photoelectric spectrophotometer and catalytic activity evaluation .

  15. 与此同时光交换逐渐成为制约光网络速率的瓶颈,全光3R再生技术是解决此问题的一种非常重要的全光处理技术。

    At the same time , the transmission speed and distance of the optical signals is limited by the optical switching . This problem can well be solved by using all-optical 3R regeneration .

  16. 本实验结合了天然高分子材料和合成高分子材料的优点制备了淀粉/PVA膜,并首次将其用于引导组织再生技术。

    Starch / PVA membrane which combined the advantages of natural polymer and synthetic polymer was prepared in this study . Starch and PVA composites are studied in many fields , but starch / PVA membrane was studied in guiding tissue regeneration for the first time .

  17. 全光信号再生技术是超高速大容量全光网络中的核心技术,其中全光时钟提取是全光再生技术的关键,基于多区DFB激光器件自脉动进行时钟提取是最佳选择方案。

    All-optical signal regeneration is a key technique needed for the ultrahigh speed and large capacity all-optical networks , and all-optical recovery is the critical technique in all-optical regeneration . The best project of time recovery is based on the self-pulsation in multi-section DFB laser .

  18. 简要介绍了UOP公司近年来在洗涤剂烷基化催化剂方面的研究成果,重点介绍了粘土类催化剂和氧化硅-氧化铝类催化剂的催化性能及其制备和再生技术。

    The achievements in research of detergent alkylation catalyst by UOP in recent years are briefly introduced . The catalytic performances and the preparation and regeneration technology of clay catalyst and silicon oxide - alumina catalyst are emphatically described .

  19. 柴油机微粒过滤器电加热再生技术的试验研究

    An Experimental Study on Electrical Regeneration Technique of Diesel Particulate Filter

  20. 柴油机排气微粒净化装置的研制与再生技术的研究

    Development of Cleaning System for Diesel Particulate Emission and its Regeneration

  21. 芳烃装置环丁砜劣质化原因分析及再生技术

    Analysis of Deterioration of Sulfolane and Regeneration Technique in Aromatics Plant

  22. 引导骨组织再生技术在种植周骨缺损的临床应用

    Clinical application of guided bone regeneration technique in peri-implant osseous defects

  23. 番茄子叶下胚轴植株再生技术的研究

    Study on technique of Plant Regeneration from Tomato Cotyledon and hypocotyl

  24. 帝人聚酯产品资源循环型化学回收再生技术

    Resources cycle type chemical recovery regenerated technology of Teijin polyester product

  25. 乙烯裂解废碱液再生技术研究

    Study of Regeneration Technique for Spent Caustic Liquid from Ethylene Cracking

  26. 采油废水处理中核桃壳滤料再生技术研究

    Regeneration of contaminated walnut as filtrating medium in oily wastewater treatment

  27. 生产甘油二酯反应体系中脂肪酶活性提高及再生技术研究

    Enhancement and regeneration of activity of lipase for production of diacylglycerols

  28. 尾矿管道再生技术曲面拟合法计算场地土方量

    THE REGENERATE TECHNOLOGY FOR GANGUE PIPE Earthwork Calculation by Surface Fitting

  29. 面向结构移植变异设计的零件可变异模型与再生技术

    Part variable model and its regeneration for structure transplantation variable design

  30. 6溶剂油脱芳精制吸附剂再生技术

    Regeneration of adsorbent for de-aromatics of 6 ~ # solvent naphtha