
  • 网络seamless turnout
  1. 连续梁桥上无缝道岔断轨力计算分析

    Calculation and Analysis of the Rupture Force of a Seamless Turnout on Continuous Beam Bridge

  2. 针对桥上无缝道岔,运用有限单元法,建立了钢轨-岔枕-桥梁弹簧-阻尼空间振动模型。

    Aiming at vibration analysis of seamless turnout on bridge , the rail-turnout-tie-bridge spring-damping vibration model was built by using finite element method .

  3. 桥上无碴轨道无缝道岔力学特性分析

    Analysis of Mechanical Characteristics to the Jointless Switch on Ballastless Bridge

  4. 基于广义变分原理的铁路无缝道岔计算理论

    Calculating theory of railway welded turnout based on generalized variational principle

  5. 无缝道岔温度力及变形的有限元分析

    Analyzing the Stability of Continuously Welded Turnout with Finite Element Method

  6. 可动心轨无缝道岔的非线性计算理论研究

    Study on the Nonlinear Theory of Welded Turnout with Movable-point Frog

  7. 无缝道岔铺设于长大连续梁桥上时的受力与变形分析

    Analysis on the Influence of Seamless Turnout on Large Continuous Bridge

  8. 无砟轨道18号无缝道岔尖轨跟端结构选型

    Model Selection of Switch Rail Heel-End of No.18 Ballastless Jointless Switch

  9. 道岔侧线对无缝道岔的影响双支路光伏最大功率跟踪的并网逆变器的研制

    The Influence of Branch Track on Turnout Connected with CWR

  10. 无缝道岔温度力特性及实例计算

    Temperature stress characteristic of jointless switch and realizable instance analysis

  11. 桥上无缝道岔模型试验的设计与研究

    Research and Design of Continuous Welded Turnout Model on Bridge

  12. 铁路无缝道岔结构体系的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of the railway welded turnout structural system

  13. 用广义变分原理分析38号无缝道岔的研究

    Study on No.38 Welded Turnout Analyzed by Generalized Variational Principle

  14. 无缝道岔铺设与应力放散施工技术研究

    Study on Construction Technique of Gapless Turnout Laying and Destressing

  15. 寒冷地区无缝道岔的理论与实践

    Theory and practice of welded switches in chilly areas

  16. 基于统一公式的无缝道岔稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of Jointless Turnout Based on General Formula

  17. 轨道参数对无缝道岔组合效应的影响

    Influence of track parameter on welded turnout combination system

  18. 首都机场线地面线无缝道岔群的受力及变形

    Forces and Displacements of Jointless Switches Group on Ground Line of Beijing Airport

  19. 桥上无缝道岔的研究迫在眉睫。

    Researches of welded turnout on bridge are imperative .

  20. 无缝道岔组合作用效应的研究

    Analysis of working effect of welded turnout combination system

  21. 无缝道岔的养护维修与故障处理

    The maintenance and treatment of failures on jointless switches

  22. 铁路无缝道岔计算理论的优化探讨

    Approach to Optimizing Seamless Railway Turnout Computing Theory

  23. 桥上无缝道岔受力与变形的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Jointless Turnout on Bridge

  24. 秦沈客运专线无缝道岔的优化设计和试验研究

    Optimum Design and Test Study of Jointless Turnouts for Qin-Shen Dedicated Passenger Railway Line

  25. 通过假设钢轨纵向位移函数,计算了无缝道岔结构各部分的能量;

    By supposing rail displacement function , the energys of welded turnout are calculated .

  26. 多种工况下无缝道岔温度附加力的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of the Temperature Stress on the Jointless Switch under Multi-working Conditions

  27. 连续梁桥上无缝道岔和桥梁受力与变形计算分析遗传不可分解的连续统

    Calculation Analysis of Stress and Deformation of Continuous Beam Bridge and Its Jointless Turnout

  28. 简支梁桥上纵连板式轨道无缝道岔温度力研究

    Study on temperature stress of welded turnout of continuous-slab-track on simple supported girder bridge

  29. 无缝道岔群对钢轨位移和纵向力的影响研究

    Study on influences of welded turnout group on displacements and longitudinal forces of rails

  30. 无缝道岔的受力与变形分析

    Force and Deformation Analysis to Welded Turnout