
  1. 尽管想要取代在大陆上川流不息的汽车快递不是件容易的事——总之,在亚马逊(Amazon)的无人机快递正式得到使用前是这样——但云计算的兴起让初创公司更容易接触到之前只有大型企业才能拥有的尖端技术。

    Though there 's no easy replacement for a continent-spanning fleet of vehicles - until Amazon 's delivery drones materialize , anyway - the rise of cloud computing has made it easier for startup companies to access the sophisticated technology that only the largest enterprises previously enjoyed .

  2. 亚马逊最初于2013年披露了PrimeAir系统以及用无人机送快递的远大目标,这是该公司采取广泛措施来进一步提高快递速度的举措之一。

    Amazon initially unveiled Prime Air and its drone delivery ambitions in 2013 as part of a broader effort to further speed up deliveries .

  3. 这位30岁的老板说:“我决定先于谷歌和亚马逊,成为第一家使用无人机投送快递的公司”。

    The 30-year-old said : ' I 'm determined to beat Google and Amazon and be the first to use delivery drones .

  4. 把无人机视为潜在快递工具的公司并非亚马逊一家。

    Amazon is not the only company looking to drones as possible delivery systems .