
  • 网络wireless charger;powermat
  1. 最近在巴黎,美国芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm)公布了一项与其传统核心业务——智能手机处理器和电脑——相去甚远的技术:电动汽车无线充电器。

    Last week in Paris , the US chipmaking company Qualcomm unveiled technology far removed from its traditional heartland of smartphone processing and computers - a wireless charger for an electric car .

  2. 10400毫安时、10瓦充电输出的睿能宝无线充电器仅需50美元。

    For $ 50 , you can get a RAVPower 10400mAh wireless charger with 10W of output .

  3. 诺基亚与中国国航(airchina)达成协议,在北京机场的贵宾休息室安装无线充电器。

    Nokia has agreed with Air China to install wireless chargers in Beijing Airport VIP lounges .

  4. 据传,可能会被称为iPhone11的新款手机也许能变成无线充电器,匀出多余电量来为其他手机充电。

    The new handsets - perhaps called the iPhone 11 - might be able to turn themselves into wireless chargers , allowing them to give spare battery to other phones , according to rumours .

  5. 日本电子贸易展展出快速无线充电器

    Japanese Trade Show Introduces Quick Wireless Recharger

  6. 最后根据实验特性、传输距离、功率要求,利用锂离子电池充电芯片完成整个无线充电器的制作。

    Finally , according to test characteristics , transmission distance , and power requirements , use of lithium-ion battery charger chip to complete the production of the entire system .

  7. 电动汽车制造商——特斯拉的生活时尚产品,倾向于依靠其品牌吸引力及爱抛头露面的高层管理者伊隆?马斯克盈利。新推出的特斯拉无线充电器也不例外。

    Tesla 's lifestyle products tend to cash in on the brand appeal of the electric carmaker and its very publicly engaged chief executive Elon Musk , and the new Tesla Wireless Charger is no exception .

  8. 电池(无线)及充电器电源(有线)互用!

    Battery ( wireless ) and charger power supply ( wired ) with each other use !

  9. 最近,他们一直致力于与麻省理工学院分院联合开发无线移动设备充电器。

    More recently , they 've been working with an M.I.T. spinoff to develop wireless mobile device chargers .