
  • 网络Dell Laptop;refurb
  1. 用户终端移动设备使用戴尔Latitude笔记本电脑。

    Dell Latitude notebooks were used as terminal mobile equipments for users .

  2. 目前,这种植物材料已在大部分戴尔零售笔记本电脑运输中广泛应用(竹子更适用于重量较轻的产品包装,而蘑菇更适用于较重的物品)。

    ( bamboo works better on lower-weight products ; the mushrooms are better for heavier goods . )

  3. 传统PC也到了一个拐点,从百思买(BestBuy)花400美元购买的戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑可以很好地处理大多数日常任务,而且可以连续使用许多年。

    Traditional PCs have also reached a point where that $ 400 Dell ( DELL ) laptop from best buy ( bby ) can handle most daily tasks just fine and will be able to do so for several years to come .

  4. Adamo售价从1999美元起,标志戴尔首次进军豪华笔记本电脑市场。

    The Adamo , which starts at $ 1,999 , is Dell 's first foray into luxury notebook computers .

  5. 戴尔(中国)公司要想扩大戴尔笔记本电脑在辽宁的市场份额,就必须先占领沈阳市场。

    If it intends to expand Liaoning market share of a dell laptop computer , Dell ( China ) company must first occupy Shenyang market .