
  • 网络David;Davide;Aaron Director
  1. 这个人对自己的妻子说:戴维德正在努力和他太太弥补关系。

    David is trying very hard to make up with his wife .

  2. 她是戴维德公司的合伙投资人。

    She had had invested with David when he first started the company .

  3. 奢侈配饰网站Editorialist联合创始人凯特・戴维德森・赫德森(KateDavidsonHudson)最近怀着五个多月的身孕去米兰和巴黎参加时装周。

    Kate Davidson Hudson , co-founder of the luxury accessories website Editorialist , recently traveled to Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks while she was more than five months into her pregnancy .

  4. 不管什么活动,只要他们请戴维德,我绝不参加。

    I never go to any event when he 's invited .

  5. 她回来后戴维德让她领导公司的国际事务部。

    After she returned , David offered her to lead their international business department .

  6. 他坐在他的朋友戴维德旁边。

    He sits beside his friends , David .

  7. 当戴维德听说我要到瑞士去的消息后,给我打了一个长途电话。

    When David heard that I was going to Switzerland he called me long distant .

  8. 当时我已经很长时间没有戴维德的消息了,他正在设法获得我们的生意。

    I hadn 't known David too long then , he was courting our business .

  9. 但是戴维德不在那儿。

    But David is not there .

  10. 戴维德的英语很差,而奥黛丽特精通英语和德语。

    David 's English was very poor while Odelette was very good in both English and German .

  11. 要是她的丈夫像戴维德那样有外遇的话,她是绝对不会再跟她的丈夫住在一起的。

    She would never live under the same roof with her husband if he had an affair like David .

  12. 委内瑞拉总统查韦斯最近批评将古巴排除在峰会之外的做法。奥巴马总统的美洲峰会特别顾问戴维德对此做出回应。

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has decried Cuba 's exclusion from the summit , prompting this response from Jeffrey Davidow .

  13. 就这么简单。哈弗大学工程师戴维德.爱德华已经开始着手可食用包装的生产研究,咖啡、水果、冰淇淋等食物的包装可以直接食用。

    Harvard engineer David Edwards has already produced edible packaging for fruit juices , coffee , ice cream and other products .

  14. 每天晚上我们相约并一起吃晚餐,有时戴维德也来,但多数时候只有我们两个。

    We met for dinner every night , sometimes with David but most of the time only the two of us .

  15. 他们把他们的儿子叫戴维德;这个新学校的以著名的。

    They named their son david ; the new school was named after the famous civil rights leader ; call me boris .

  16. 但是,戴维德为了这次能够被提升正在千方百计地想办法。他甚至散布谣言,诬蔑其他有可能被提升的人。

    But David is trying to get that promotion by hook or by crook ; he even spread rumors smearing the other candidates .

  17. 戴维德阿克斯罗德的战略,抓住竞选的经费并且只花在电视广告上,最后证明是个天才的选择。

    David Axelrod 's strategy of holding onto the campaign 's money and spending it on TV ads only at the end proved to be genius .

  18. 但是,他的妹妹昨晚在聚会上说,要是她的丈夫像戴维德那样有外遇的话,她是绝对不会再跟她的丈夫住在一起的。

    But his sister said at the party last night that she would never live under the same roof with her husband if he had an affair like David .

  19. 这句话的意思是:自从消息传开说戴维德将被提升为副总经理以来,办公室里每个人,除了约瑟夫以外,都忙着拍他的马屁。

    3 : Since the word came out David will be promoted to vice president , everybody in the office is busy trying to butter him up except Joseph .

  20. 这些信托基金是为补偿土地和资源被政府征用的原住民而设立的。内政部副部长戴维德·海斯说,新法案在四个有关原住民长期争取的西部干旱地区用水权案子上,取得了历史性进展。

    Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Hayes says the new law also makes historic progress on four water-rights cases in the arid American West long pursued by Native American groups .

  21. 斯坦福大学的戴维德•罗拜耳、扎斯汀•考斯特-罗伯特和加利福尼亚大学的沃尔夫然姆•史灵克,首次将世界上以小麦、玉米、稻子和大豆作为主要农作物的部分地区的气温和降水量结合在一起。

    David Lobell and Justin Costa-Roberts , of Stanford University , and Wolfram Schlenker , of Columbia University , first put together temperature and precipitation figures for the parts of the world where four staple crops - wheat , maize , rice and soya - are grown .