
  • 网络Dyson;Freeman Dyson;James Dyson;Freeman J. Dyson
  1. 作者为技术集团戴森公司(dyson)的工业设计师、创始人

    The writer is an industrial designer and founder of Dyson , the technology group

  2. 等明年戴森公司(Dyson)那款众望所归的机器人上市时,我们再来看看它的类似功能吧。

    When Dyson 's much-anticipated robot appears next year , watch for similar features .

  3. 琼。戴森使这个项目的执行董事。

    Joan Dassin is the executive director of the program .

  4. 伯班克交通委员会主席保罗•戴森说增加电梯并不能提高安全性。

    Burbank Transportation Commission Chairman Paul Dyson said the addition probably wouldn 't improve safety .

  5. 觉得我的前辈麦肯戴森和鲍勃怀特肯定是失去理智了,

    I thought my predecessor , Malcolm Dyson and Bob Wright , had really taken leave of their senses ,

  6. 这种戴森空气倍增器通过压缩空气进入风扇底部并使空气从圆环部分排出。

    The Dyson Air Multiplier works by drawing air into its base and enforcing the air out through that ring .

  7. 与此同时,在德国等许多地区,戴森公司不得不寻求销毁反工程仿冒产品,以保护自身品牌。

    Meanwhile Dyson has been forced to seek the destruction of reverse-engineered fakes in territories including Germany to protect its brand .

  8. 从每个参与国家代理人-在8月决定-戴森将被邀请参加由实验室戴森工程师运行研讨会。

    A nominee from each participating country-decided in August-will be invited to Dyson laboratories to participate in a workshop run by Dyson engineers .

  9. 据戴森公司表示,他们2008年就在中国申请气流倍增器的专利,但至今没有得到批复。

    Although patents for the Air Multiplier were filed in China in 2008 , these have yet to be certified , said the company .

  10. 这项设计是在获得今年的詹姆士。戴森奖的两项如果能够批量生产则可以救助生命的发明的推动下诞生的。

    The designs at this year 's James Dyson Awards were led by two inventions that could save lives if they go into mass production .

  11. 几年前,在一所大学的开幕典礼中,可口可乐的首席执行官布赖恩?戴森讲到工作与其他义务的关系:

    In a university commencement address several years ago , Brian Dyson , CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises , spoke of the relation of work to one 's other commitments :

  12. 这个方案背后的工程原理在20世纪60年代就已经被认定是非常健全的了,在弗里曼•戴森的指导下,美国政府曾一度想要造出这样的飞船。

    The engineering principles behind this were thought to be solid enough that in the 1960s , under the guidance of Freeman Dyson , the US government actually tried to build one of these spaceships .