
  • 网络Lidl;Liddle;Lilydale;Chris Liddell
  1. 卡罗尔与利德尔家族关系密切。

    Carroll was close to the Liddell family .

  2. 埃里克。利德尔:恐怕我是在这儿,先生。

    Eric Liddell : I 'm afraid I am , sir .

  3. 例如,离我最近的一条线路叫利德尔线。

    For example , the line closest to me is the Lilydale Line .

  4. 因此这条线叫作利德尔线。

    So this line is called the Lilydale line .

  5. 而利德尔是位于墨尔本西北部城市边缘的一个美丽的村落。

    Lilydale is a nice village on the edge of Melbourne 's north west .

  6. 我常常会骑摩托车穿过利德尔一直骑到墨尔本近郊的山里。

    I often ride through Lilydale on my motorcycle rides into the hills around Melbourne .

  7. PathionandSakti3首席执行官迈克尔o利德尔预计,固态电池技术可在两年内投放市场。

    Pathion CEO Michael Liddle projects that solid-state battery technology will be market-ready within two years .

  8. 在代表英格兰参赛对抗爱尔兰后,利德尔又宣扬“跑步即为生命”的口号。

    He represents Scotland against Ireland , and preaches a sermon on " Life as a race " afterwards .

  9. 这次我们骑摩托车去马里斯维尔小镇,我们说好在利德尔会合,利德尔是墨尔本郊区的一座小镇。

    For our ride to Marysville , we decided to meet up at Lilydale , a small town on the outskirts of Melbourne .

  10. 华盛顿一位执法官称,利德尔先生当时就在飞机上,还有报道称现场已找到他的护照。

    A law enforcement official in Washington said Mr Lidle was aboard the aircraft , and there were reports that his passport had been found at the scene .

  11. 埃姆伯里-利德尔航空学院的助理教授大卫艾森说,巡航通常是一个非常不错的阶段。艾森曾经是一名运输机飞行员,有过国际以及跨洋飞行的经历。

    Cruise is generally a pretty good place , says David Ison , assistant professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University , who was a transport pilot with international and transoceanic experience .

  12. 毕竟,实验室里的创新和实用产品不是一回事。正如PathionandSakti3首席执行官迈克尔o利德尔所言,电池研究处于“零敲碎打”状态,实际推进有限。

    An innovation in a lab is not the same as a working product , and Pathion 's Michael Liddle says that the piecemeal nature of battery research has limited real-world advances .

  13. 杜克大学医学院的胃肠病学家罗杰?利德尔告诉《科学美国人》杂志说,人体内可以通过一个25美分硬币大小的物体,所以一块口香糖应该不会造成什么问题。

    As Rodger Liddle , a gastroenterologist at the Duke University School of Medicine , told Scientific American , the human body is capable of passing objects up to roughly the size of a quarter , so a single piece of gum should pose no problem .