
  • 网络Lipsky;John Lipsky;R.Weatherley and M.Lipsky
  1. 还债应该从第一副总裁的职位开始&约翰利普斯基(JohnLipsky)将于今年晚些时候将该职位腾出来。

    This should begin with the position of first deputy director , which John Lipsky is due to vacate later this year .

  2. “我可以说,我们的基本情况肯定不是衰退”,国际货币基金组织第一副总裁约翰·利普斯基是这样告诉CNBC电视台。

    " I can say that our base case is certainly not a recession ," IMF First Deputy Managing Director John Lipsky told CNBC television .

  3. 国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund,简称IMF)前第一副总裁约翰·P·利普斯基(JohnP.Lipsky)称,此次布里斯班峰会对于G20是一次成败攸关的机会。

    John P. Lipsky , former first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund , has said that the Brisbane summit meeting is a make-or-break moment for the G-20 .

  4. 利普斯基表示,介入这样的事务与IMF的指导原则不符。“乌克兰与俄罗斯之间悬而未决的纠纷是商业问题,”他表示。

    Mr Lipsky said it would be against IMF guidelines to get involved . " The ongoing disputes between Ukraine and Russia are commercial issues ," he said .

  5. IMF希望拥有巨额经常账户盈余的经济体重估其货币,其中包括中国的人民币。利普斯基昨日表示,尽管近来人民币兑美元在升值,但人民币仍然严重被低估。

    It wants economies with large current account surpluses to revalue their currencies , including China 's renminbi , which Mr Lipsky said yesterday was significantly undervalued in spite of its recent appreciation against the dollar .

  6. 利普斯基表示,中俄的提议是4月份伦敦20国集团(G20)峰会期间所作承诺的一部分(其宗旨是拿出5000亿美元资金充实IMF的资源),而IMF绝对欢迎这些承诺。

    Mr Lipsky said the Chinese and Russian proposals were part of a commitment made during the London G20 summit in April to augment IMF resources by $ 500bn , and that the IMF absolutely welcomes the commitments .

  7. 利普斯基昨日在澳大利亚出席亚太经合组织(APEC)财长会议期间表示,IMF不会修改其对全球经济今年将增长5.2%的预期。亚太经合组织共有21个成员。

    Speaking on the sidelines of a meeting in Australia of finance ministers from the 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation economies , Mr Lipsky said yesterday the IMF would not revise its forecast that the world economy would grow 5.2 per cent his year .

  8. 利普斯基表示,全球增长正在放缓,但整体通胀正在“加速”。

    Mr Lipsky said global growth was slowing but headline inflation was " accelerating " .

  9. 利普斯基表示全球经济的风险上升,反映了对决策者控制债务能力的信心的缺乏。

    Lipsky said rising risks to the global economy reflected a lack of confidence in policymakers'ability to rein in debts .

  10. 按照峰会的安排,各国将宣布就各项主要议程达成共识,利普斯基在华盛顿通过电话表示。

    In the way of these summits , agreements will be announced on all the principal agenda items , Mr. Lipsky said by phone from Washington .

  11. 利普斯基表示,决策者必须坚决应对通胀预期上升的迹象,“以免牺牲近年来全球稳定方面获得的令人瞩目的成果”。

    Mr Lipsky said policymakers must respond aggressively to any sign of rising inflation expectations " lest the impressive gains in global stability attained in recent years be sacrificed " .

  12. “中期计划越可靠,与短期影响,如飓风(艾琳)可能带来的影响等,共存的灵活性就越大”利普斯基表示。

    " The more credible medium term planning , the more flexibility that will exist with temporary impacts , such as potential impact of the hurricane ( Irene )," said Lipsky .

  13. 利普斯基乐观地认为,上世纪70年代早期的情况不会重演。当时,能源价格不断上涨,导致一段时间内通胀预期日益上升,通胀速度不断加快。但他表示,不能排除这种风险。

    He was optimistic that there would not be a repeat of the early 1970s , when increasing energy prices ushered in a period of rising inflation expectations and accelerating inflation , but he said this risk cannot be discarded out of hand .

  14. 利普斯基表示,推动油价上涨的“似乎本质上是基本面因素”,而美国降息和美元走软正放大这些因素的影响,此言明确指出,大宗商品繁荣或许并非人们先前想象的纯属泡沫。

    In a clear indication that the commodities boom may not be the bubble previously imagined , Mr Lipsky said the forces pushing prices up " appear to be fundamental in nature " and these were being amplified by lower US interest rates and the decline in the dollar .