
  • 网络Santo;Santorum;Santo Versace
  1. 一提及桑托勒姆或纽特金里奇(NewtGingrich),他们就会岔开话题。

    Mention Mr Santorum or Newt Gingrich and they wince .

  2. 如今,平衡预算修正案成了党内的正统纲领,而桑托勒姆成了总统候选人尽管可能性微乎其微。

    Today the balanced budget amendment is party orthodoxy and Mr Santorum is a ( very ) long-shot presidential candidate .

  3. 钟(AlexaChung)、俄罗斯超模娜塔莉亚??沃迪亚诺娃(NataliaVodianova)以及时装品牌ModaOperandi的联合创始人劳伦??桑托??多明戈(LaurenSantoDomingo)等。莲娜丽姿(NinaRicci)的创意总监彼得??

    British fashion icon Alexa Chung , Russian supermodel Natalia Vodianova and Moda Operandi co-founder Lauren Santo Domingo , to name a few .

  4. 对冲基金经理此前辩称,以股票为主的替代方案旨在吸引SABMiller股东美国烟草公司奥驰亚(Altria)以及桑托•多明戈(SantoDomingo)酿造家族旗下投资机构BevCo。

    Hedge fund managers had been arguing that the mostly stock alternative was designed to appeal to SABMiller shareholders Altria , the US tobacco company , and BevCo , investment vehicle of the Santo Domingo brewing family .

  5. 我想里克.桑托勒姆是对的这是一所无神主义大学我想快速讲两个故事

    I guess Rick Santorum is right . This is a godless university So I want to speak just very quickly of two stories .

  6. 坊间流传,基桑托是罗马某议员的独子,生长于罗马却皈依基督。

    According to the legend , Chrysanthus was the only son of a Roman senator from Alexandria who grew up in Rome and converted to Christianity .

  7. 这些官员表示,桑托勒姆若想赢得提名,就必须在未来的初选中拿下65%的代表席位,金里奇需要拿下70%。

    For Mr Santorum to win the nomination , he must win 65 per cent of delegates in future primaries , while Mr Gingrich needs 70 per cent , the officials said .

  8. 在密苏里州的初选中,在计算了所有选票后,桑托勒姆赢得55%的选票,罗姆尼位居第二,得票率为25%;保罗以12%的得票率排名第三。

    In the Missouri primary , with all the votes counted , Santorum won 55 percent of the vote , while Romney came in second with 25 percent and Paul finished third with 12 percent .