
  • 网络Sanjay;Sanjay Jha
  1. 过去三年里,我们做出了长期而艰苦的努力,终于将摩托罗拉移动公司从摩托罗拉分离出来,我们还聘请了桑杰•贾作为公司的联合CEO。

    In the past three years we have fought long and hard to separate Motorola mobility from Motorola solutions , as well as bring Sanjay JHA .

  2. 为什么我们只集中于帮艾丽克斯赢,而没有致力于让桑杰输?

    Why are we so focused on helping Alex win when we could be working on making Sanjay lose ?

  3. MichaelMullen:“亚桑杰可以随心所欲地说他提供的资源的巨大好处。但是事实是,他们手上可能已经沾满了年轻士兵和阿富汗家庭的鲜血。”

    MICHAEL MULLEN : " Mr. Assange can say whatever he likes about the greater good he thinks he and his source are doing . But the truth is they might already have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that of an Afghan family . "

  4. 在伦敦,亚桑杰声称他们仍在对1.5万份文件进行检查。

    In London , Mr. Assange said WikiLeaks is still examining fifteen thousand more documents .

  5. 这又回到了究竟是先天使然还是后天养成这个长久以来的辩论话题。本台的桑杰·古普塔医师要来探讨这个问题。

    Now , it 's the old nature versus nurture debate and our Dr. Sanjay Gupta weighs in on it .

  6. 今天我们的问题是:“如何在工作中保持谦逊?”以下是德洛斯资本首席运营官桑杰o桑吉的回答。

    Today 's answer to the question " How do you stay humble at work ? " is written by Sanjay Sanghoee , COO of Delos Capital .

  7. 目前在香港工作的阿里巴巴前任副总裁——桑杰•瓦尔马仍然记得马云在陈述自己的抱负时,令人动容的说服力。

    Sanjay Varma , a former Alibaba vice-president who now works in Hong Kong , still remembers how Ma could be such a convincing speaker when talking about his ambitions .