
  • 网络Cupressus;cupressus gigantea;giant arborvitae
  1. 群落垂直结构明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层,也有部分层间植物,乔木层郁闭度为0.3~0.5,巨柏为乔木层的单一优势种,而群落植物的水平分布不均匀。

    The arbor layer had a crown density of 0.3 ~ 0.5 and was dominated by individuals of Cupressus gigantea in the community , and the horizontal structure was not symmetrical .

  2. 种子发芽率较低,平均只达到32.67%,是导致巨柏濒危的主要内因;

    The low germination is another important internal factor , the average of which is only 32.6 % .

  3. 最后对巨柏在学术研究和开发应用方面的前景进行了展望,以期为今后进一步的研究和开发起到一定的导向或参考作用。

    Lastly , it made the prospects of c.gigantean from the aspects of science research and development application , which played the certain roles of guarding and reference for the future further research and development .