
lián huā wén
  • lotus design
  1. 日本九州大宰府出土的莲花纹砖和隋唐洛阳城出土的莲花纹砖,二者的质地、制法、功用相同,皆以莲花为主体花纹且外绕蔓草纹和联珠纹。

    The bricks of lotus flower design excavated at Kyushu in Japan and Luoyang city of Sui and Tang dynasties in China have the same material , facture and function .

  2. 西域石窟壁画中有许多装饰性的图案,其中花草纹饰中的忍冬纹,卷草纹,莲花纹,宝相花等非常有特色。

    The grotto murals in the Western Regions contain a lot of decorative patterns , including acanthus design , scroll design , lotus'design , rosette design and some other distinctive patterns .

  3. 本文从清三代带有莲花纹瓷器作品出发,借鉴这个时期相关的陶瓷装饰理论,结合大量图片资料,论述了清三代瓷器莲花纹装饰特征。

    This article starts off the characteristics of the lotus flower decoration with the porcelains in Qing dynasty , using the theories of three periods ' porcelain decorations relevant , combining plenty of picture information .

  4. 第二节,则是具体的分析北朝壁画墓中的佛教因素遗存的具体资料,从莲花纹、忍冬纹等不同纹饰进行分析。

    The second section of the first chapter concretely analyses the specific information of the Buddhist burial factors of the Northern Dynasties tombs . Analyzed from the different patterns , as lotus flower pattern and honeysuckle pattern .

  5. 一尊瓷观音端坐在莲花瓣上,莲花下是波涛纹。

    A porcelain Guanyin seated on a lotus flower over breaking waves .