
  • 网络western restaurant
  1. 其中包括单人间、双人间以及套间,而且还有西式餐厅、大、小型宴会厅等等。

    There are Western-style restaurant , large and small banquet halls and so on .

  2. 在尼泊尔则有廉价的西式餐厅供旅客享用。

    And in Nepal they have lots of really cheap Western-style restaurants for travelers .

  3. 情人节这天,你如果想在西式餐厅用晚餐最好早些预订。

    If you want to have dinner on Valentine 's Day in a Western style restaurant , you 'd better make reservations earlier .

  4. 在泰国和印度有很多我喜欢的辛辣食物,在尼泊尔则有廉价的西式餐厅供旅客享用。

    In Thailand and India they have a lot of spicy food , which I like , and in Nepal they have lots of really cheap Western-style restaurants for travelers .

  5. 本文是针对在河南省驻马店市区开办一家西式快餐厅项目所作的项目可行性研究。

    This thesis is a result of feasibility research of opening an western style fast food chain restaurant in Zhumadian City Henan Prov .