
  1. 近些年来,在西方科学史研究领域,一些学者开始从女性主义的理论视角来研究中国古代的科学史问题。

    In recent years , Western feminists have begun to study the ancient history of science in China from the perspective of feminism .

  2. 自20世纪30年代以来,西方科学史在研究方法和解释框架上经历的一些变化和争论,大多涉及对内史论与外史论的界定、区分和评价。

    Since 1930s , most of changes and controversies in the western history of science related to the definition , division , and evaluation of " internalism " and " externalism " .

  3. 西方科学思想史哲学建构的成功范例&柯瓦雷的哲学化科学思想史研究

    An Example of Philosophical Construction of Western History of Scientific Thought

  4. 研究西方科学哲学史上科学哲学与形而上学关系的理论发展轨迹,是理解现代西方科学哲学走向的重要一环。

    Study the transformation of the relationship between scientific philosophy and metaphysics in the history of western philosophy can make us know its trend .

  5. 柯瓦雷以现象学、历史语境方法和科学、哲学与宗教相结合的整体主义认识论为基础,对西方科学思想史进行了成功的哲学建构,形成了科学思想史研究的柯瓦雷范式。

    On the bases of phenomenological theory , methodology of historical context and the holism that science must contact with philosophy and religion , and no one could be left beside , Koyr é established history of scientific thought , which provides a successful case our history of scientific thought .

  6. 现任职于中国科学院自然科学史研究所,主研西方近现代科学史。

    I am working in the Institute for the History of Natural Science ( IHNS ), Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ) as a research associate at present .

  7. 在西方的形而上学&科学史上,“逻各斯”(logos)一词的原初意义本只是言、说(“它是”)。

    In the history of western metaphysics , the original meaning of logos is saying ( it is ) .