
  • 网络science and humanity
  1. 科学与人文对建筑美的影响

    The influence of science and humanity on the beauty of architecture

  2. 论科学与人文整合观下的数学课程构建

    Mathematics Curriculum Structuring Based on the Integration of Science and Humanity

  3. 论科学与人文的融合与可持续发展战略

    The Relation between Science and Humanities and Strategies for Sustainable Development

  4. 从科学与人文关系的视角看科学发展观

    The Scientific Development View from the Connection of Science and Humanity

  5. 可持续发展文化是科学与人文融合的价值导向

    Sustainable Development and Cultural Integration of Science and Humanities Is Value-oriented

  6. 加强研究生科学与人文精神融合的思考

    Thinking on the fusion of scientific and humanistic spirit of postgraduates

  7. 第一部分,探讨了科学与人文的涵义与关系。

    Part 1 : Analyze the natural comprehension of science and humanity .

  8. 以科学与人文精神促进高校图书馆事业发展

    Accelerating the Development of University Library Cause with Scientific and Humanistic Spirit

  9. 论科学与人文的关联意义及其作用

    On the Mutual Meaning and Effect about Science and Humanities

  10. 自由:科学与人文融合的中国意蕴

    Liberty : The Integration of Humanities and Sciences in the Chinese Perspectives

  11. 科学与人文的起源、分离和复归

    The Origins , Separation and Reunification of Science and Humanities

  12. 论工科高校素质教育中科学与人文问题

    On Science and Humanness in Competence Education in Engineering Colleges

  13. 包容科学与人文合流的玻尔互补原理

    Bohr 's Principle of Complementarity , Allowing Interflow of Science and Humanity

  14. 高等学校科学与人文契合论

    On Consilience of Science Education and Humanities Education in Institutions of Higher Learning

  15. 隐喻:科学与人文的互补整合机制

    Metaphor : the Mutual Complement Between Science and Humanity

  16. 科学与人文关系辨析

    A Review of the Relation Between Science and Humanity

  17. 首先,通过与科学与人文相关的几对概念的对比分析科学与人文的本质内涵;

    First , comparing several pairs of concepts related to science and humanity ;

  18. 自然科学与人文科学的融合&关于北京学研究的方法

    Syncretism of Humanities and Natural Science & About Research Method of Beijing Studies

  19. 论自然科学与人文社会科学的统一和协调发展人口发展中的人与自然&以赤水市人口与生态协调发展为个案

    On the Unified and Coordinated Developmet of Natural Sciences and Human Social Sciences

  20. 西方科学与人文精神发展的历史关系及其启示

    The Historic Relationship and Its Revelation Between Western Science and Humanistic Spirit Development

  21. 工科教育凸显科学与人文精神的融合

    The integration of science and human spirit in education

  22. 科学与人文密不可分,相异互补。

    Science and humanism go closely hand in hand , distinct and complementary .

  23. 人类智慧理性更高层次的复归&聚焦科学与人文

    Human Intelligence Rationality Focusing Science Rationality and Humanity Thought

  24. 大学教育中科学与人文的融合

    The Blending of Science and Humanity in College Education

  25. 库恩学说:沟通科学与人文领域的典范

    Communicate model of the field of sciences and humanities

  26. 科学与人文主义&论西方人文主义的三种形式从科学与人文主义间的关系谈人文理性的重建

    A Discussion on Rebuilding Humanist Rationality from the Relationship Between Science and Humanism

  27. 对科学与人文这一对概念理解可谓是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    People have much different understanding towards the concepts of science and humanism .

  28. 科学与人文:从冲突到交融

    Science and Humanities : From Conflict to Blend

  29. 论科学与人文的三重同一性

    The Threefold Identity Between Science and Humane Studies

  30. 体育学科中科学与人文两大哲学思潮的考察

    Review on the Philosophical Thoughts of Scientism and Humanism in PE and Sports Discipline