
  • 网络Cortes;Hernando Cortez;Hernan Cortez;Puerto Cortes
  1. 但是他仍然能够感受到维拉克鲁斯的召唤,那里是科尔特斯和西班牙人第一次登陆的地方。

    But he still felt the pull of Veracruz , where Cortes and the Spaniards first landed .

  2. 科尔特斯,这种褐色带有特殊苦味和香气的液体使冒险家为之震惊。

    Cortes , this brown , with special bitterness and aroma of the liquid so that adventurer was shocked .

  3. 科尔特斯先生:我们正在谈论刚刚读到的一个故事。

    Mr.Cortez : We are talking about a story we just read .

  4. 人物:埃文、博尔多尼太太、科尔特斯先生、丽塔、马可、汤姆

    Characters : Evan , Mrs.Bordoni , Mr.Cortez , Rita , Marco , Tom

  5. 赫纳罗·科尔特斯(GenaroCortez)是圣安东尼奥市的一位律师。他说,有一次,他告诉所有的客户,他要去圣迭戈参加一个刑法大会,他还给邮件设置了不在办公室的自动回复。

    Genaro Cortez , a lawyer in San Antonio , said that he once told all his clients that he was going to a criminal law conference in San Diego , and then set up an automatic Out of the Office email to the same effect .

  6. 西班牙探险家科尔特斯就曾称赞乔鲁拉为“西班牙外最美丽的城市”。

    Cortez once called Cholula " the most beautiful city outside Spain . "

  7. 建立在前哥伦比亚城的旧址上,1519年被西班牙殖民者科尔特斯征服。

    Built on the site of a pre-Columbian city , Jalapa was captured by Cort é s in1519 .

  8. 当教授创意写作时,科尔特斯强调经验的好处远远大于学术生活。

    When she teaches creative writing , Cortez stresses the benefits of experiencing something far removed from academic life .

  9. 蒂克纳曾指导过普雷斯科特早期的研究,欧文还把科尔特斯征服墨西哥这个题材转让给他。

    Ticknor directed Prescott 's early studies , Irving relinquished to him the theme of the conquest of Mexico by Cortes .

  10. 沉默…这个场景在一周前我自己的妈妈去世时都不曾看到,“科尔特斯读道。

    Mute ... The scenes I did not see a week earlier when my own mom died , " read Cortez .

  11. 科尔特斯说,在这种情况下,他回复了,因为那位客户提出的问题是合理的,没有给他带来不便。

    Mr. Cortez said that in this instance he responded because the question posed was legitimate and didn 't inconvenience him .

  12. 欧洲人在1519年首次品尝了巧克力,其时蒙提祖玛将该芳香的饮料提供给西班牙探险家科尔特斯和他的军队。

    Europeans got their first taste of chocolate in1519 , when Montezuma offered the spicy drink to Spanish explorer Cort é s and his army .

  13. 西班牙征服着为了寻找金子,在科尔特斯屠杀了许多阿兹台克人。据说有些金盏花上的红色斑点就是阿兹台克人的鲜血。

    After the Spanish conquistadores murdered many Aztecs at Cortes in search of gold , the little red flecks on some marigolds were said to be the blood of the Aztecs .

  14. 由于墨西哥实行的是200海里海洋权,因此,科尔特斯海就成了半岛和墨西哥大陆之间的内海。

    Because of Mexican implement is the 200 marine rights of nautical mile , therefore , department Er specially this sea has become the continental sea between continent of peninsula and Mexico .

  15. 美国戏剧界收入最高的当属哈维尔·巴登,他即将出演一部由《亚马逊》出品的美剧,角色是剧作家史蒂芬·扎伊莲以“传说中的征服者”赫南·科尔特斯作为原型。在该系列中,他将得到每集120万美元的片酬。

    The highest-paid actor in a US drama is Javier Bardem who will earn $ 1.2m for his role in a forthcoming Amazon series based on " legendary conqueror " Hernan Cortes from writer Steven Zaillian .