
cì shā
  • assassinate;bayonet charge;stick
刺杀 [cì shā]
  • (1) [assassinate]∶用武器暗杀

  • 刺杀一个君主

  • (2) [stick]∶用鱼标捕杀(鱼)或猎杀(野猪)

  • 刺杀大马哈鱼

  • (3) [bayonet charge]∶用枪刺同敌人拼杀

  • 新兵们在操场上练刺杀

刺杀[cì shā]
  1. 刺杀马丁·路德·金的计划在实施前酝酿已久。

    The plot to assassinate Martin Luther King had started long before he was actually killed .

  2. 英雄,科巴,采取四个“凤凰剑在”黑暗时代“刺杀名为Scaren,李一军阀”之称。

    The hero , Koba , took four " Phoenix swords " in the " Dark Age " to assassinate a warlord named Scaren , Li said .

  3. 有人企图刺杀总统。

    Someone has made an attempt on the President 's life .

  4. 他们因参与这起刺杀已经开始在监狱服刑了。

    They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination

  5. 男孩们挖了坑,埋了饵,这样他们就可以刺杀猎物了。

    The boys dug pits and baited them so that they could spear their prey .

  6. 他说他不喜欢总统,但是还没有到想要刺杀他的地步。

    He said he didn 't like the president , but not to the extent of wanting to kill him

  7. 路阳导演的《刺杀小说家》以4.1亿票房收入位列第三,该片用大胆的想象展现了一个虚幻的恐怖世界。

    Director Lu Yang 's A Writer 's Odyssey of a horrible fantasy world , has taken the third seat with 410 million yuan .

  8. 卞庄子见两只老虎为争吃一个人相互撕咬,拔剑就要冲上去刺杀这两只老虎。

    Bian Zhuangzi saw two tigers fighting each other for one man , and he was about to kill these two tigers , with a sword in his hand .

  9. 战争结束后不久,总统亚伯拉罕·林肯(AbrahamLincoln)被刺杀。

    President Abraham Lincoln was killed shortly after it ended .

  10. 阴谋论者指责美国中央情报局(CIA)或古巴流亡者策划了刺杀事件。

    Conspiracy theorists accused the Central Intelligence Agency or Cuban exiles .

  11. 泽普鲁德家族后来把该影像的版权转让给达拉斯的六楼博物馆(SixthFloorMuseum),这是一家专门保存肯尼迪刺杀案相关档案的主流博物馆。

    The Zapruders later transferred the copyright on the film to Dallas 's Sixth Floor Museum , which chronicles the assassination .

  12. 根据周三披露的刑事起诉书,三名男子中的一人曾讨论过对美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)的刺杀企图。

    One of the men had discussed an assassination attempt on President Barack Obama , according to a criminal complaint unsealed on Wednesday .

  13. VonBrunn被控刺杀保安StevenJohns。

    Von Brunn is charged with killing security guard Steven Johns .

  14. 格勒登认为美国中央情报局(CentralIntelligenceAgency)参与了刺杀肯尼迪的行动。他写过六本书,包括上榜《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)图书畅销榜的《叛国罪》(HighTreason)。

    Mr. Groden , who believes the Central Intelligence Agency was involved in Kennedy 's assassination , has written six books , including a New York Times bestseller called ' High Treason . '

  15. 一盘杰基·肯尼迪的录音带日前首次被公开,这是在她丈夫约翰·F·肯尼迪总统被刺杀数月之后录制的。

    Audio tapes of Jackie Kennedy , made just months after the assassination of her husband President John F Kennedy , have been released for the first time .

  16. Relativity公司利用MLT.tv推广了今年的两部新片,一部是凯文o科斯特纳主演的《三日刺杀》,别一部是保罗o沃克的遗作《暴力街区》。

    Relativity used MLG.tv to promote this year 's theatrical releases of Kevin Costner 's 3 Days to Kill and Paul Walker 's Brick Mansions .

  17. 然而,cia的无人机基地是秘密的,也不会公开对刺杀恐怖主义嫌犯的行动负责。

    The CIA , however , operates drones from secret bases , killing suspected terrorists with no accountability to outside bodies .

  18. 三周前,海豹部队的一个小分队在巴基斯坦大胆、高调地刺杀了奥萨马本拉登(osamabinladen)。

    Three weeks ago , a unit of the seals performed an audacious , high-profile assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan .

  19. 另外,同年,就在卡扎菲立誓放弃恐怖主义后,利比亚间谍涉嫌密谋刺杀沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)。

    In 2003 , moreover , after Col Gaddafi forswore terrorism , Libyan agents were implicated in a plot to kill King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia .

  20. 那个清晨,这位19岁的波斯尼亚塞尔维亚人和其他6个想要成为暗杀者的人,未能刺杀奥地利大公弗朗茨斐迪南(franzferdinand)。

    That morning , the 19-year-old Bosnian Serb and six other would-be assassins had failed to kill the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand .

  21. 2005年1月,反对军对总统进行刺杀行动,但是Conte总统还是幸运的生存下来。

    President Conte also survived an assassination attempt by dissident soldiers in January of 2005 .

  22. 当参议员肯尼迪开着他的车驶离马萨诸塞州查帕奎迪克岛上的一座桥时,一位名叫MaryJoKopechne的人在他车上被刺杀了。

    Senator Kennedy drove his car off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts . A passenger in his car , Mary Jo Kopechne , was killed .

  23. 同时,VOA获悉内乱分子试图刺杀ARS领导SheikSharifSheikAhmed未遂。

    VOA has also learned of an unsuccessful attempt last week on the life of the moderate ARS leader , Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed .

  24. 该说法称,当奥匈帝国的统领之王斐迪南大公(ArchdukeFranzFerdinand)途径萨拉热窝时,一众刺客想要刺杀他(萨拉热窝事件)。

    The legend claims that while the Archduke Ferdinand , leader of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , was traveling through Sarajevo when a group of assassins had plans to do him in .

  25. 简•朱伯特(JanJoubert,见右图)参加过非洲一些最危险的战争,训练过总统的贴身保镖(以防范刺杀活动),也顶着叛军威胁的压力经营过钻石矿。

    Jan Joubert has fought in some of Africa 's nastiest wars , trained presidential bodyguards to scupper assassination attempts and run a diamond mine in the face of rebel threat .

  26. 他在1990年将注意力转向他认为没有事实根据的理论,当时他与刺杀案研究员、前保险理赔调查员佩里(DavidPerry)一同进行研究,并对有关达拉斯一位已故警官是第二位持枪歹徒的说法表示怀疑。

    He turned his focus to theories he considered unfounded in 1990 , when he teamed up with David Perry , a former insurance-claims investigator turned assassination researcher , and discredited claims that a deceased Dallas police officer had been a second gunman .

  27. Aroud的亡夫是刺杀北方联盟领导人艾哈迈德·沙·马苏德的两名杀手之一,该自杀式刺杀行动由奥萨马·本·拉登组织。

    El-Aroud 's late husband was one of two men who killed Ahmed Shah Massoud , a leader of the Northern Alliance , in a suicide mission ordered by Osama Bin Laden .

  28. 五角大楼(Pentagon)测试了一批迷你无人机——它们带来了一种可能性,即未来指挥官可派出一群群的skybot(空中机器人)进入敌人领土,收集情报、阻断雷达、或在人脸识别技术的辅助下完成刺杀任务。

    The Pentagon has tested a swarm of miniature drones - raising the possibility that commanders could in future send clouds of skybots into enemy territory equipped to gather intelligence , block radar or - aided by face recognition technology - carry out assassinations .

  29. 今天,来自世界各地的民众齐聚萨拉热窝,纪念萨拉热窝刺杀事件及第一次世界大战爆发100周年。据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,刺杀事件仍存在质疑。

    People from around the world are in Sarajevo today commemorating the 100 anniversary of the assassination of the trigger World War I. NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports there 's still a debate over the assassin 's legacy .

  30. 自马航MH17航班在乌克兰东部上空被击落以来发生的一系列事件,与1914年6月奥地利大公弗朗茨•斐迪南(FranzFerdinand)被刺杀之后的事件极为相似。

    The sequence of events since the Malaysian jet MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine is remarkably similar to the one that followed the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914 .