
  • 网络urubamba;Urubambo;Urbanba;Urubamba River
  1. 建于狭窄的山脊上,俯视汹涌的乌鲁班巴河。

    Built on a narrow ridge overlooking the turbulent waters of the Urubamba river .

  2. 巴士及高速火车将游客载到乌鲁班巴河畔的一个小镇,游客可以从那里步行前往马丘比丘,亦可搭乘当地的巴士前往。

    Buses and high-speed trains take visitors to a town on the Urubamba River from where they can hike or take a local bus up to Machu Picchu .

  3. 当初秘鲁人得知坐落在乌鲁班巴河谷之上的这座“失落的印加城市”时,并没有任何的历史学家去挖掘和研究它,直到1911年,海勒姆·宾厄姆才首次着手研究马丘比丘。

    While Peruvians knew about this " Lost City of the Incas " above the Urubamba Valley , they weren 't excavated and examined by historians until Hiram Bingham did so in 1911 .