
  • 网络carex meyeriana
  1. 对乌拉苔草叶片的蒸腾速率、气孔阻力、光合有效辐射、空气温度、叶片温度、相对湿度、风速及大气中CO2的体积分数等指标进行了测定。

    The transpiration rate , stomatal resistance , temperature of leaves of Carex meyeriana as well as photosynthetically available radiation ( PAR ), air temperature , relative humidity , wind speed , atmospheric CO_2 concentration were determined .

  2. 不同积水处理下乌拉苔草蒸腾速率日变化及其与环境因子的关系

    Diurnal Variation of Transpiration Rate of Carex meyeriana and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors under Different Water Conditions

  3. 长白山区沟谷沼泽湿地乌拉苔草(Carexmeyeriana)地上生物量与土壤有机质和氮素相关性分析

    Analysis of Correlation Between Biomass of Carex meyeriana and Soil Organic Matter and Soil Nitrogen in the Changbai Mountain Valley

  4. 长白山区沟谷湿地乌拉苔草沼泽土壤环境效应

    Soil Environmental Effects of Carex . meyeriana Mire in the Changbai Mountain Valley

  5. 长白山沟谷湿地乌拉苔草沼泽湿地土壤微生物动态及环境效应研究

    Dynamic Change and Environmental Effects of Soil Microorganism in Marsh Soils from Carex Meyeriana Wetlands in Changbai Mountain

  6. 不同采收期吊石苣苔中石吊兰素含量的动态研究长白山区沟谷沼泽湿地乌拉苔草不同构件元素含量特征

    Determination of Nevadensin in Lysionotus Pauciflorus in various collecting periods ; Study on Some Different Component Element Content of Carex Meyeriana in Changbai Mountain Valley

  7. 乌拉苔草发达的根系具有强大的蓄水能力,尤以根鞘的蓄水能力最强,蓄水可以占鲜质量的91.1%~93.72%,比根系蓄水能力高出2.54%~33.94%。

    The epithelial sheath has higher water holding capacity with 91.1 % ~ 93.72 % , 2.54 % ~ 33.94 % higher than that of root .