
  1. 香味:比地桂香味浓郁,辛辣,土,明快森林香味。

    Aromatic Description : Much richer in aroma than ground cinnamon . Peppery , earthy , spicy , bright yet slightly woodsy .

  2. 贺州地处桂、湘、粤边境的三角地带,夹于湘粤之间。

    Hezhou is located in border triangle of Guangxi , Hunan and Guangdong , sandwiched between Hunan and Guangdong .

  3. 第二部分则分析了在中法战争后,桂边通商以及越南沦为法帝的殖民地以来桂越边境贸易发展的历史轨迹。

    In part two , the paper inquires into the process of development of modern Guangxi-Vietnam border trade after the sino-France War .

  4. 广西金秀县地处桂中偏东,森林面积2139913hm2,森林覆盖率为872%。

    Jinxiu county is located in the middle east of Guangxi province , covers the area of 213 991.3 hm2 , and the forest coverage rate attains 87.2 % .

  5. 所以,在男人中间便有许多以《圣经》上的名字来做名字的情形…这是这个海岛特别普遍的风尚…他们在少年时代,自然而然地吸收了桂克那种庄严而格外动人的你和您的习语;

    So that there are instances among them of men , who , named with Scripture names -- a singularly common fashion on the island -- and in childhood naturally imbibing the stately dramatic thee and thou of the Quaker idiom ;